Some guides are very high-level guides who appear to me like floaty wisps of energy. Then there are others who are closer to the human plane of existence and are more tuned in with the realities of life here. They may appear as more ‘solid’ looking spirits. They also give names that...
The origins of this full moon also comes from Celtic and Old English ancestral roots. Werewolf myths can be found in ancient Greek and Roman societies, throughout European history and among some Native American tribes. These transformational stories appear to align with the mysterious energy of Sna...
The powerful and majestic ram is a force to be reckoned with. With its sturdy horns and strong presence,the ram symbolizesdetermination and leadership. In this month, the energy of the ram guides us towards taking charge of our lives and pursuing our goals with unwavering focus. The ram’s ...
Around this time as Vaisakhi was approaching, I was teaching a Sikh history class to young children and they asked me when they should take amrit and join the Khalsa. I told them, they should do it the same as the Panj Pyaarey did…as soon as they heard the Guru’s call. Then one ...
The names and obscenities I get called just walking in the mall, minding my own I just brush them off But what hurts me to the core is that question… “So…where are you from?” And after I tell them, the inevitable follow-up feel like a gut punch ...
such an idea allowed basing the State origins not so much on popular sovereignty, rather on a pact. In such a way, the State was based upon monarchy and people without having to go through a constituent assembly . In the background there were the positions of the French doctrinarians. In...
The first verse tells of custom and tradition, the old guides of the past: “And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.” Tradition directs and orders the attending women’s ...
The word cave comes from the Latin root “cavus.” meaning “hollow.” It names an absence, an empty space. From an Indo-European root keu- which means “to swell, vault, hole.”3cave is linked to such cognate words as cage. excavate, accumulate, and church. All of them carry a se...