Spirent_Testcenter基本配置使用说明_1022.docx,后续需要添加,可以点选工具栏里面的“ 后续需要添加,可以点选工具栏里面的“ Technologies ”,具体如下图: Testce nter基本配置使用说明 Testce nter 基本配置使用说明 同维电子 拟制人 时间 测试部 佰艳 2010年10月22日
spirent 思博伦 Test-centerTesting.pptx,Testing the MicroburstHow to measure the SLA over a Microburst with Spirent TestCenter 传统意义上的Burst传统意义上的Burst 是测试流随时间采用统一的方式变化.这种统一的变化方式通常是方波的方式,由以下几个参数定义:峰值
spirent 思博伦 Test-centerTesting TestingtheMicroburst HowtomeasuretheSLAoveraMicroburstwithSpirentTestCenter PROPRIETARYANDCONFIDENTIAL 传统意义上的Burst统意义上的 传统意义上的Burst是测试流随时间采用统一的方式变化.这种统一的变化方式通常是方波的方式,由以下几个参数定义:•一个Burst内帧的数目(BurstSize)Burst...
and flexibility tovisualize the dynamic behavior of systems under test.AutomationWhether developing scripts in Tcl, Perl, or Python for acomplex regression environment, or focusing on script re-use and portability across platforms and teams, or lookingto speed up repetitive manual tasks, TestCenter of...
L4-7 Supported Platforms and ModulesSpirent FX2/MX2 and MX3 Test Modules, Spirent C2/C50 Appliance (Ethernet) and TestCenter Virtual (refer to Customer Support Centerfor latest supported hardware.)About AIONSpirent AION is a flexible delivery platform that enables users to achieve improved deployment...
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Through the advancement of automated, on-demand services, end users who traditionally relied on manual operations in test and labs, which too often take man-months to setup a complex test bed, are now able to realize this capability in minutes, if not seconds. XaaS designed for testing. The...