Improve your steam plant efficiency & use Spirax Sarco Middle East condensate recovery products solutions to return condensate to the boiler house
为了使能源使用效率尽可能大,回收冷凝水至锅炉房对整个蒸汽系统非常关键。斯派莎克冷凝水回收设备能高效经济的实现这一要求。电泵 设计用于冷凝水系统回收大流量的冷凝水,通常用作锅炉或工艺给水。 凝结水回收机械泵 凝结水回收是节约能源和维修保养费用的有效途径。
Spirax Sarco SDVC series check valves Split Disc Check Valves SDCV series split disc check valve flange on the clip can be used for a variety of industrial fluids such as steam , condensate , hot water system, prevent backflow of fluids in pipes . ...
易卖工控网(提供”1" Spirax Sarco G Series 53332 PMTR 3/4HP 3500RPM Condensate Pump NEW IN BOX”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:、型号:、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。 本公司以停产控制系统零部件、为尤势产品只要是您想要的,我都能帮您找到!价...
InvertedBucketSteamTraps-SpiraxSarco 系统标签: steambucketspiraxsarcotrapsinverted forefficientcondensate drainageofindustrial andHVACequipment forefficientcondensate drainageofindustrial andHVACequipment InvertedBucket SteamTraps InvertedBucket SteamTraps 2 InvertedBucketsteamtraps Theproperdrainageofcondensateisessentialto...
Float and thermostatic steam traps contain a float valve mechanism which modulates to discharge condensate continuously at steam temperature, while non-condensable gases are released by a separate internal balanced pressure thermosatic air vent. Stainless steel internal parts can be serviced without disturb...
品牌:斯派莎克Spirax Sarco 产地:英国 包装:原装斯派莎克波纹管截止阀BSA1T 价格:1000元/台 原装进口英国斯派莎克波纹管截止阀BSA1T的口径从DN15~DN250,可提供各种不同的材质,从铸铁材质的BSA1T,球墨铸铁的BSA2T和铸钢材质的BSA3T型截止阀,连接标准有法兰、螺纹和承插焊等,压力等级可达PN40,ANSI 300和CLASS 800。
设计用于冷凝水系统回收大流量的冷凝水,通常用作锅炉或工艺给水。 技术信息 安装、维修指南 Title E 系列冷凝水回收装置 语言 Chinese 参考编号 TI-P089-07 下载 联系我们获取更多信息 我们将帮助您找到合适的解决方案 021-24163666发送邮件给我们 我们使用 Cookie 以允许我们网站的正常工作、个性化设计内容和广告、提...
As condensate enters the trap, a float is raised and the float lever mechanism opens the main valve to allow condensate to drain. When the condensate flow reduces the float falls and closes the main valve, thus preventing the escape of steam Thermodynamic traps contain a disc which opens to ...
Spirax Sarco FT float trap is the use of steam and condensate density difference to the operation. This type of trap operation is very convenient , can work effectively in the condensate load pay, while not affected by sudden changes in pressure operation . Compared to their size , a large ...