-Oconfig=<value> Specify a comma-separated list of SPIRV-Tools passes to customize optimization configuration (see http://khr.io/hlsl2spirv#optimization) -spirv Generate SPIR-V code Utility Options: -dumpbin Load a binary file rather than compiling -extractrootsignature Extract root signature from...
trailing () parens are required/prohibited with an empty argument list in #defines #include support -D and -U for macros on command line classkeyword, member functions, variables, static and non static classinheritance frominterfaceseehttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff...
Although the request might return immediately (network latency aside), it does not mean that the list of shipping rates is complete. This is indicated by the ready field in the query above. It is your application's responsibility to continue retrying this query until ready == true. The Buy...