short spinous processcervicalSudaneseanatomical variationQUANTITATIVE 3-DIMENSIONAL ANATOMYIntroduction: The spinous process is part of the vertebrae and provides muscle attachment for some muscles and ligaments. They are important landmarks and play a role in screw placement during...
Spinous process of the 2nd cervical vertebra (C2, axis) (→ Figs 3.66, 3.67) The 1st cervical vertebra (atlas) has no spinous process, so that when palpating down the posterior midline from the occiput the 2nd cervical vertebra (axis) has the first palpable spinous process. → Du-15 ...
Fractures of the spinous processes of cervical vertebrae area well-described clinical entity. In the literature they have been attributed to stress injury secondary to muscle tension and stress injury secondary to hyperflexion-hyperextension, and they are considered to be in the category of severe fr...
1.(Biology) resembling a spine or thorn:the spinous process of a bone. 2.(Biology) having spines or spiny projections 3.(Botany) another word forspinose Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Objective To evaluate the replantation of lamina and spinous process during laminoplasty in posterior thoracolumbar surgery. 目的探讨棘突椎板回植椎管成形在胸腰椎后路手术的应用价值。 Now let's check your neck. -Then, palpate the spinous processes of the cervical spine. . . 现在来检查你的颈部-然...
Lamina transverse length: The distance between anterior margin of the spinous process and lateral margin of the superior articular process (Bazaldua Cruz et al.) Morphometric Study of Dried Cervical Vertebrae/Estudio Morfometrico de Vertebras Cervicales Secas Keratinocytes in the spinous layer are ma...
An implantable spinous process fixation device includes an elongated component, top and bottom pivoting wing components, arranged opposite and parallel to the elongated component and separated from it by a spacer. First and second spinous processes of first and second adjacent vertebras are clamped ...
17.The investigation of the lamina on superior articular process in the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and its clinical significance胸、腰椎上关节突棘的观测及临床意义 18.Having no thorns, spines, teeth, claws, or other protective parts.无突的没有刺,棘,牙,爪或其它保护性部位的 相关短句/例句 cell...
The cervical spine is made up of seven vertebrae, and the cervical spine functions to support the weight of the head. The thoracic spine is made up of twelve vertebrae, and the thoracic spine functions to protect the organs located within the chest. Five vertebrae make up the lumbar spine....
Which region of the spine contains the atlas and axis vertebrae? O Cervical O Thoracic O Lumbar O Sacrum O CoccyxWhen you run your finger down the middle of a person's spine, what part of each vertebra are you feeling just benea...