mule (mjuːl) n 1. (Animals) the sterile offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, used as a beast of burden. Compare hinny1 2. (Breeds) any hybrid animal: a mule canary. 3. (Textiles) Also called: spinning mule a machine invented by Samuel Crompton that spins cotton int...
Define spinning top. spinning top synonyms, spinning top pronunciation, spinning top translation, English dictionary definition of spinning top. n another name for top21 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper
Samuel Crompton, British inventor of the spinning mule, which permitted large-scale manufacture of high-quality thread and yarn. Crompton could not afford a patent, so he revealed the machine’s secret to a number of manufacturers on the promise that the
FromProject Gutenberg The spinning jenny came into use a little after 1750, and the power loom was invented near the close of the century. FromProject Gutenberg In that year James Hargreaves completed his invention of the spinning-jenny, which he patented in 1770. ...
Further improvements came via inventorsRichard Arkwright, inventor of the "water frame" andSamuel Crompton, whose spinning mule incorporated both water frame and spinning jenny technology. The improved machines produced yarn and thread that was much stronger, finer, and of higher quality than that pro...
inventions altered [changed] the character of the cotton manufacture; the spinningjenny, patented by Hargreaves in 1770; the water-frame, invented by Arkwright the year before; Crompton’s mule[spinning machine]introduced in 1779, and the self-acting mule, first invented by Kelly in 1792, but ...
(Mechanical Engineering) an early type of spinning frame with several spindles, invented by James Hargreaves in 1764 [C18: see jenny; the reason for the adoption of the woman's name is unclear] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
Define spinning machine. spinning machine synonyms, spinning machine pronunciation, spinning machine translation, English dictionary definition of spinning machine. Noun 1. spinning machine - a textile machine for spinning yarn and thread spinning frame