Mutex_lock适用于临界区访问时间较长或者临界区内会有IO操作的情况,因为它可以将线程置于睡眠状态,在等待期间可以允许其他线程继续执行。 Spinlock适用于临界区访问时间较短的情况,因为它不会导致线程睡眠,可以减少线程切换的开销。 综上所述,Mutex_lock适用于低竞争情况下或者临界区访问时间较长的情况,而Spinlock适用于...
mutex lock 是睡眠锁,在等待锁时进程进入睡眠状态,在锁被释放后,内核唤醒等待的进程运行; spinlock 是不睡眠,一直轮询等待; 使用spinlock,临界区资源运行在原子(中断)上下文,或者在进程上下文,不能睡眠; 使用mutex lock,临界区运行在进程上下文并可以睡眠; 简单来说就是: spinlock 用在当前进程不可进入休眠状态(当前...
ReaderWriterLockSlim:ReaderWriterLockSlim 是一种读写锁,它允许多个读取器同时访问共享资源,但只允许一个写入器。由于 ReaderWriterLockSlim 的实现较为复杂,它通常比 Mutex 或 SpinLock 更具表现力和灵活性。 SemaphoreSlim:SemaphoreSlim 与 Mutex 类似,但它可以限制同时访问共享资源的线程数量。SemaphoreSlim 具有更高的效率,...
原子操作(无锁) atomic,互斥锁mutex ~ lock_guard,自旋锁spinlock 自旋锁 spinlock 得自己用 CAS 或者说 atomic<bool> 实现 1 代码 #include<thread>#include<iostream>#include<atomic>#include<mutex>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>usingnamespacestd;classSpinLock{public:SpinLock():flag_(false){}voidlock...
spinlockmutex waiting mechanism When a thread tries to lock a spinlock and it does not succeed, it will continuously re-try locking it, until it finally succeeds; thus it will not allow another thread to take its place (however, the operating system will forcefully switch to another thread, ...
pthread_mutex_t mutex; #endif pid_t gettid() { return syscall( __NR_gettid ); } void *consumer(void *ptr) { int i; printf("Consumer TID %lu\n", (unsigned long)gettid()); while (1) { #ifdef USE_SPINLOCK pthread_spin_lock(&spinlock); ...
NSConditionLock @synchronized 1、OSSpinLock 自旋锁 缺点:有优先级翻转的情况, 在第四行到最后一行,来回调用。类似于while循环,一直等待解锁,如果锁打开,就会跳过最后一行继续执行。 OSSpinLock汇编 2、pthread_mutex 互斥锁 pthread_mutex相关函数 相关函数 ...
or this particular mutex really is in internal memory (hence thecompare_and_set_nativecall). From the call stack, this is during dynamic allocation - I haven't looked into that part in detail, but I imagine that's a mutex lock for the global allocator used bymalloc, which would make se...
(package0.callstack) WHERE type = 61 --LOCK_HASH OR TYPE = 144 --SOS_CACHESTORE OR TYPE = 8 --MUTEX ) ADD TARGET package0.asynchronous_bucketizer ( SET filtering_event_name = 'sqlos.spinlock_backoff', source_type = 1, source = 'package0.callstack' ) WITH ( MAX_MEMORY = 50 ...
KeReleaseGuardedMutex-Funktion KeReleaseGuardedMutexUnsafe-Funktion KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock-Funktion KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc-Funktion KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel-Funktion KeReleaseInterruptSpinLock-Funktion KeReleaseMutex-Funktion KeReleaseSemaphor-Funktion KeReleaseSpinLock-Funktion K...