They argue that injections are useful when targeted toward specific spinal disorders. Although the latter assertion is clinically intuitive, it also implies availability of accurate tests that enable clinicians to identify specific anatomic structures as the source of pain (eg, facet joints, ...
Use of Spinal Injections for Low Back Pain.SPINAL injectionsTREATMENT of backachesA response from the authors about their article "Spinal Injection Therapy for Low Back Pain," in the 2013 issue is presented.doi:10.1001/jama.2013.277996Staal
Low back pain is a distinctly different condition from lumbar radicular pain (sometimes called "sciatica"). Radicular pain is lancinating pain that travels into the lower limb along a narrow band [1]. It is caused by disc herniation, foraminal stenosis, lateral recess stenosis, or other space...
but I was not diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis until two or three years later when the disease had progressed significantly. At that time, there were injections, but I didn't have health insurance, so I had to give up treatment because...
If you are a bit more elderly their may be co-morbities, in other words additional medical issues not related to your back pain may exist such as uncontrolled high blood-pressure which could cause be of concern for the anesthesiologist. Or perhaps there would be something on your ECG that ...
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) refers to a subset of patients who have new or persistent pain after spinal surgery for back or leg pain.
An intensive rehabilitation program is a far preferable and much safer approach to spinal fusion surgery, or steroid injections, for back pain. However, an even BETTER option is to address your pain’s underlying causes using the Lose the Back Pain System. ...
Clinical/methodological problem Technical advances in the field of spinal interventional neuroradiology allow the application of a wide range of targeted, minimally invasive treatment options including targeted spinal ozone therapy for back pain. This article provides an overview of the biochemical, molecular...
the first to demonstrate the usefulness of a DL model trained using radiographs in predicting the therapeutic outcomes of spinal injections for radicular pain. Integrating our research results with a cloud system could significantly enhance its accessibility and scalability. A cloud-based platform would ...
Steroid injections Extensive physical therapy Occupational therapy to help with fine motor skills “Coping strategies for dealing with spasticity and pain” Assistive communication devices Electrical stimulation for muscular disorders Vocational therapy