2.A major route of transportation into which local routes flow:Traffic was heavy on the central artery. [Middle Englisharterie, from Latinartēria, from Greekartēriā,windpipe, artery; seewer-inIndo-European roots.] Word History:The changed meaning of the wordarteryprovides a glimpse into the ...
Spinal anesthetics including Bupivacaine Hydrochloride in Dextrose Injection, USP should not be injected during uterine contractions because cerebrospinal fluid current may carry the drug further cephalad than desired, resulting in a high motor block. 5.2 Patients with Hypertension Sympathetic blockade due to...
Use of Spinal Anesthetics During Uterine Contractions: Spinal anesthetics, including MARCAINE SPINAL, should not be injected during uterine contractions because cerebrospinal fluid current may carry the drug further cephalad than desired, resulting in a high motor block. (5.1) • Patients with Hyperten...
A. (1976). Elevation of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the cerebrospinal fluid following experimental spinal cord injury. Brain Research, 118,348-351. BRODNER, R. A. & ROTH, R. H. (1977). Effect of parachlorophenylalanine on blood flow in the traumatized cut spinal cord. Presented at the Society ...
In addition, Eappen et al reported that CSE had a higher success rate compared to the conventional epidural technique. This difference may be due to the ability to confirm questionable epidural location by successful spinal placement and observation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Local Anesthetic ...
Traumatic or vascular injuries to the central nervous system (CNS) are frequently complicated by the development of fluid-filled cystic cavities1,2,3,4,5,6. A lack of extracellular matrix (ECM) and/or vascularization hinders infiltration of cellular elements and regeneration of axons in the cavit...
Complete magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and pain datasets were required for inclusion in this analysis. Out of the full sample, 33 participants were excluded due to unobtainable (n = 31) or poor-quality/motion artifact (n = 2) MRI data resulting in a sample of 37 PwSCI ...
As the dose-response curves demonstrated, the antihyperalgesic effect of CART(62-76) appeared in a much higher concentration than in the case of CART(55-76) (Figure 5A,B). Although NTX fully blocked this action (Figure 5C), the µ-antagonist CTAP only slightly decreased this action (...
Another study using a contusion tSCI model [34], found that acute intraspinal infusion of VEGF into the lesion epicentre induced autophagy and reduced inflammation in the spinal cord, ultimately resulting in functional recovery as measured by the BBB motor scale. In this study, they showed that ...
A piece of plastic tubing (shunt) may be placed in the brain to drain cerebrospinal fluid away from the brain. The tubing runs under the skin from the head to another site, usually the abdomen, where the fluid can be absorbed. Safety and supportive measures ...