A minimally invasive lumbar procedure can be performed to treat the lumbar spinal stenosis.[3]There are several common techniques for decompression. These include discectomy which involves removing a portion of an intervertebral disc to relieve pressure on the nearby roots. This procedure is most comm...
Diaz E, Morales H. Spinal Cord Anatomy and Clinical Syndromes. Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MR. 2016 Oct:37(5):360-71. doi: 10.1053/j.sult.2016.05.002. Epub 2016 May 6[PubMed PMID: 27616310] [4] Adigun OO, Reddy V, Varacallo M. Anatomy, Back, Spinal Cord. StatPearls. 2024 ...
Q 6.1: Discuss the anatomy of the spinal column. What types of tissues structure the spinal column? What are the physiologic loading conditions at this musculoskeletal structure? Q 6.2: Discuss the structure of the vertebral and intervertebral disc. What types of loading conditions are borne by ...
Embryology and Morbid Anatomy Normal development of the spinal cord begins around postovulatory day (POD) 22 to 23, when theneural groovedeepens and theneural foldsmeet in the dorsal midline to form theprimary neural tube(eFigs. 60-1 and 60-2).∗The dorsal midline fusion of the neural fol...
LSS is classified by anatomy or etiology. Anatomic subclassifications include central canal and lateral recess stenosis. The classification of lumbar stenosis is important because of the implications of the underlying etiology and because it affects the therapeutic strategy, specifically the surgical approac...
A. Yeasting. Anatomic bases for anterior spinal surgery: surgical anatomy of the cervical vertebral body and disc space[J]. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy . 1999 (4)Lu, J, Ebraheim, NA, Yang, H, Rollins, J, Yeasting, RA, Anatomic bases for anterior Spinal surgery: surgical ...
In this kind of analytical study, primary and secondary curves might differ, dependent on the relative amounts of vertebral and disc wedging in the curve Comment no. 14 – applicable to thoracic curves? The results are based on computations relating to the anatomy of the lumbar spine that is...
We perform more than 550 lumbar spinal fusion surgeries each year. Advances in technology and medical devices give our neurosurgeons the ability to operate on the spine with minimal disruption to the normal anatomy. Image-guided systems enable us to precisely insert pedicle screws, fusion devices,...
Theanatomyof muscles of the cervical andlumbar spineis made complex by the diversity of their numerous attachments. If those specifics are ignored, the anatomy becomes simpler. Small muscles connect consecutivespinous processesand transverse processes. Too small to move theirvertebraeeffectively, these ...
Applied Anatomy of the Cervical Spine Kim A.WilliamsJr., ...SrinivasPrasad, inBenzel's Spine Surgery, 2-Volume Set (Fourth Edition), 2017 Cervical Spinal Cord The spinal cord is a roughly cylindrical neural continuation of the caudal medulla. In cross section the spinal cord is bilaterally sy...