Excite Medical manufactures the DRX9000®, FDA cleared non-surgical spinal decompression machine. See research, find locations, and more.
Excite Medical manufactures the DRX9000®, FDA cleared non-surgical spinal decompression machine. See research, find locations, and more.
At two weeks following the previous revision procedure, the patient was taken to the operating room for a second repeat decompression with an osteotomy at the level of T9-T10 and extension of the fusion to T4. The patient was discharged to rehabilitation with a persistent neurological deficit....
The BTL SPINAL DECOMPRESSION is a mechanical therapy that uses automated decompressive forces to mobilise joints, relieve the pressure over neuro-spinal structures, and relax and elongate soft tissues. Lower Back Pain The BTL SPINAL DECOMPRESSION promotes a new way forward to precise ...
Metrizamide CT scan remains an essential study before considering surgery for spinal cord decompression. The presence of internal vertebral column fIxation is not a contraindication to MRI scanning and, in the majority of cases, permits an accurate study. Continuous versus intermittent turning: ...
A total of 20 variables were highlighted as important predictors of intraoperative and perioperative complications, with the top predictors including age, leg pain, ODI, number of decompression levels and number of interbody fusion levels, followed by several HRQOL metrics and radiographic parameters. ...
Such an approach is well tolerated, offers immediate decompression and stabilization, affords wide exposure for meticulous seed placement, and results in excellent local control and ambulatory function. No adverse events were attributable to seed placement or brachytherapy. Brachytherapy, delivered in this...
Spine surgery for an extramedullary tumor or fracture usually involves decompression of neural elements and instrumentation for stabilization. These procedures risk spinal cord and nerve root injury. The incidence of nerve root deficits after resection of nerve sheath tumors is particularly high since the...
Internal fixation of fractures of the dorsal-lumbar spine with early ambulation is evaluated in this study of 100 patients with 106 fractures: 34 being treated by recumbency, 13 with Meurig-Williams plates, and 59 with Harrington rods. Fracture reduction in the recumbent group was 14 per cent ...
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition without an effective therapy. Cellular therapies are among the promising treatment strategies. Adult stem cells, such as mesenchymal stem cells, are often used clinical research for their immu