The meaning of SPINAL CORD is the cord of nervous tissue that extends from the brain lengthwise along the back in the spinal canal, gives off the pairs of spinal nerves, carries impulses to and from the brain, and serves as a center for initiating and co
Spinal cord - part of the nervous system that extends from the brainstem to the lumbar vertebrae of the spine. The spinal cord, along wth the brain, makes up the central nervous system.
Medical Definition spinal cord noun : the thick longitudinal cord of nervous tissue that in vertebrates extends along the back dorsal to the bodies of the vertebrae and is enclosed in the spinal canal formed by their neural arches, is continuous anteriorly with the medulla oblongata, gives off...
Define spinal cord. spinal cord synonyms, spinal cord pronunciation, spinal cord translation, English dictionary definition of spinal cord. n. The thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue that extends from the medulla oblongata down through the spinal column
In spinal cord stimulation (SCS), mild electric currents applied to the spinal cord through small medical devices modulate pain signals and at some settings replace the pain sensation with a mild tingling known as paraesthesia. Spinal cord stimulation involves placing a series of electrical contacts...
•Invasionof thespinal cordcausesparalysisof the arms and legs or of thetrunk.•Strikingthe side or back of theneckcandamagethe spine or thespinal corditself,sometimespermanently.•For example, it isabsentin suchdiverseconditionsasconstipation,diabetes,multiplesclerosis, and thoracicspinal cord...
Psychology definition for Spinal Cord in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
Spinal Cord: Structure, Function & Transmission of Information Corticospinal Tract | Definition, Function & Lesion Lesson Transcript Instructors Keta Bhakta View bio Marta Toran View bio This lesson will define what a spinal cord is, outline its components, and explain its function.Updated: 11/21/...
Define cervical spinal cord lesion. cervical spinal cord lesion synonyms, cervical spinal cord lesion pronunciation, cervical spinal cord lesion translation, English dictionary definition of cervical spinal cord lesion. adj. 1. Of or relating to the uter
Spinal cord:The major column of nerve tissue that is connected to the brain and lies within the vertebral canal and from which the spinal nerves emerge. Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves originate in thespinal cord: 8cervical, 12thoracic, 5lumbar, 5sacral, and 1 coccygeal. The spinalcordand...