Minassian K, Bayart A, Lackner P, Binder H, Freundl B, Hofstoetter US. Rare phenomena of central rhythm and pattern generation in a case of complete spinal cord injury. Nat Commun. 2023 Jun 6;14(1):3276. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-39034-y....
spinal cord injury 较少见。主要由于椎骨骨折或脱位引起。易有后遗症状。损伤部位多在第2颈椎、第10胸椎,亦可见于第7胸椎、第1腰椎。脊髓震荡是受伤早期(数小时至1~2日内)出现一过性功能障碍,如截瘫等,可完全恢复。脊髓休克见于严重损伤,伤后立即在远端发生运动和感觉功能完全丧失。下肢肌肉弛缓,膀胱括约肌麻痹、...
脊髓损伤:导致运动、感觉和自主神经功能改变 脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury, SCI)是一种影响脊髓的病理疾病,可导致运动、感觉和自主神经功能改变,对患者、他们的家人和社区都具有重大的健康和社会经济影响。 脊髓损伤的原因多种多样,例如血管性、先天性、炎症性、感染性、创伤性等,其中创伤性脊髓损伤占总数的80%。创伤...
2) SPINAL CORD INJURY/TCD therapy 脊髓损伤/中药疗法3) Wounds and injuries/Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy 创伤和损伤/中医药疗法4) s Reperfusion injury/TCM therapy 再灌注损伤/中医药疗法5) soft-tissue injury/TCM therapy 软组织损伤/中医药疗法...
ofpainand temperature. Other sensation may be preserved. Damage to the center of the cord may spare the legs but paralyze the arms. Damage to the right or left half causes loss of position sense, paralysis on the side of the injury, and loss of pain and temperature sensation on the ...
These results indicate that variants of GP-BUCB may be suitable for autonomously directing SCI therapy.California Institute of Technology.Desautels, Thomas.California Institute of Technology.Desautels, T. A. (2014). Spinal Cord Injury Therapy Through Active Learning . Ph.D. thesis, California ...
methods of treating spinal cord injury, including drug therapy, neurotrophic factor transplantation therapy, [...] chinese.eurekalert.org 目前,治疗脊髓损伤的方法主要包 括药 物治疗、神经营养因子治疗、细胞移植治疗、基因疗法、抑制神经元生长因抑制因子、干预信号通路。 chinese.eurekalert.org [...]...
Spinal cord injury (SCI) remains the most relevant degenerative condition of the spinal cord, and the secondary injury, following the primary trauma, is the most therapeutic target. Advancement in nanomaterials as potential therapeutic solutions for medical application has been demonstrated to be promisi...
In many cases, spinal cord injuries require substantial physical therapy and rehabilitation, especially if the patient's injury interferes with activities of daily life. Spinal cord injuries have many causes, but are typically associated with major trauma from motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports ...