CSF flow and spinal cord motion were analyzed by peak-to-peak amplitude and total displacement per segment and heartbeat, respectively. Clinical data included age, height, BMI, duration of symptoms, Bern score according to Dobrocky et al., and type of the spinal CSF leak according to Schie...
acute SCI can be divided into primary and secondary injuries.5According to the severity, SCI can be divided into complete or incomplete injury, and incomplete SCI can manifest as central core syndrome, Brown-Séquard syndrome, anterior cord syndrome, and posterior...
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function. The most common cause of SCI is trauma, such as a car accident or a fall. Other causes include tumors, infection, and degenerative diseases. Symptoms of SCI depend on the location and severity ...
Because of persistent leakage of urine from suprapubic site, this patient started to reduce considerably his fluid intake. The problems became so severe that the carers were being required to work much more through early evening and frequently through the night, which was not sustainable. The const...
management of acute spinal cord injury140急性脊髓损伤处理.pdf,140 Management of Acute Spinal Cord Injury Three transcranial Doppler ultrasound variables have been identified as carotid bifurcation. More commonly, removal of the que ma
Tethered cord syndromepresents with signs and symptoms that result from excessive tension on the spinal cord. At birth, the conus is usually located at the L2–L3 level and ascends to the L1–L2 level by 3 months of age. Spinal dysraphism is responsible for the majority of cases. A constel...
Thoracic spinal cord stimulation improves functional status and relieves symptoms in patients with refractory angina pectoris: The first placebo-controlled randomised study Heart, 93 (2007), pp. 585-590 Google Scholar 14 E Eisenberg, Y Burstein, E Suzan, R Treister, J Aviram Spinal cord stimulation...
A woman in her 60s was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis because of progressive weakness and wasting of the shoulder and upper extremity musculature. However, the cause was a spontaneous leak of cerebrospinal fluid in the spine. Both upper extremities were paralyzed by the time the correc...
The modified MacNab standard was used to assess the surgical efficacy at 6 months postoperatively as 3 (excellent; complete disappearance of symptoms with full restoration of original work and daily activities), 2 (good; mild symptoms with slight activity limitation but no impact on work and life...
Spinal cord stimulationblocks transmission of pain signals by the gate theory. The patient has a remote control and modern devices allow for remote charging and also modulation of stimulus depending on symptoms. Some patients have positional pain and, when the patient is not in the position that ...