Diseases such as arthritis, cancer, inflammation, infections or degeneration of spinal discs can also result in a spinal cord injury, according to the NIH. Depending on the severity of the injury, the victim may make a full recovery or become completely paralyzed. Types of injury Spinal cord i...
Cordsyndromes •Transversecordsyndrome •Brown-Sequardsydnrome(半切 综合征)•Anteriorspinalsyndrome Cordtransectionsyn •Totaltransectionacute:totallossofall functions(spinalshock,脊休克)chronic:partialrecovery •Partialtransectionretentionofsomefunctions Brown-Sequardsyn •Hemisectionofthecord•...
脊髓疾病(spinal cord disorders)脊髓疾病 TopicaldiagnosisofinNeurology TheFunctionoftheBrain TheDiseasesRelatedtotheBrain BasiclayoutoftheCentralNervousSystem (CNS)优势半球:与意识相关语言观念思想分析计算 非优势半球:与意识无关音乐几乎无语言形状和类型综合synthesis整体integrity空间几何图形geography Cerebralhemisphere ...
Most of these cases produced clinical neurological signs indicating spinal cord disease in later life during an intercurrent disease. It was thought that changes in the bloodvessels and/or perfusion of the area of the spinal cord malformation was the ultimate cause of the neurological symptoms. An...
Learn about the tumors that can grow on the spinal cord. Find out which ones are cancer, and what symptoms they can cause.
Common causes of damage to the corticospinal tracts in the cord include deformities of the spinal column from bone and joint disease and from fracture or dislocation of the spine, spinal cord tumours, multiple sclerosis, strokes, and a number of inflammatory and degenerative diseases associated with...
Diseases+of+the+spinal+cord课件.ppt,脊髓疾病 (Diseases of the spinal cord) Department of Neurology, The 2nd affiliated hospital, Harbin Medical University Diseases of the spinal cord Outline Acute myelitis Compressive myelopathy Syringomyelia Subacute
Theanatomyofthespinalcord 2.Internalcomponents: Graymatter:shapelikeH. Anteriorhorn:motorneuron. Thefibersareanteriorroot Posteriorhorn: LateralhorninthemyelonofC8~L2andS2~4 Whitematter:anteriorcolumn,lateralcolumn,posteriorcolumn Theanatomyofthespinalcord 3.Bloodsupply Anteriorspinalartery:whichsuppliesthe...
Disability trajectories individuals with spinal cord injury in mainland China: do psychosocial resources and diseases factors predict trajectories? Hui Huang Mengmeng Chen Lunlan Li Article08 Oct 2024 Exploring lifestyle components and associated factors in newly injured individuals with spinal cord injur...
Lesions and Diseases of the Spinal Cord: Brown-Séquard Syndrome and Tabes DorsalisDiagnosis Spinal cord injuries are a medical emergency and require immediate assessment and intervention. The different diagnostic methods are discussed. History and physical examination The important aspects to concentrate on...