Spinal cord compression--what are the treatment standards?HardyJ. R.HuddartR.CLINICAL ONCOLOGY -BERLIN- ROYAL COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGISTS-
脊髓压迫症(compressionofthespinalcord)常因一或多条脊神经后根受压而产生烧灼痛撕裂痛或钻痛并可放射到相应的皮肤节段当活动脊柱咳嗽喷嚏时可引起疼痛加剧适当改变体位可获减轻这种首发的根性疼痛症状常有重要定位诊断意义 脊髓压迫症(compressionofthespinalcord) 脊髓压迫症是指由各种性质的病变引起脊髓、脊神经根...
Background Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) is an oncologic emergency that, unless diagnosed early and treated appropriately, can lead to permanent neurologic impairment. After an analysis of relevant studies evaluating the effectiveness of various treatment modalities, the Comité de l'évolution...
Spinal Cord Compression - Etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis & prognosis from the Merck Manuals - Medical Professional Version.
If the spinal hemorrhage results in a focal hematoma, then there may be spinal cord compression and only local meningeal signs. At the New York Hospital, I have found seven cases of extra parenchymal spinal hematoma in 342 patients who were anticoagulated after lumbar puncture, two of whom ...
Anti-tuberculosis therapy is the main stay of treatment for tuberculous meningitis. Higher doses of corticosteroids have been found effective. Surgery should be considered only when pathological confirmation is needed or there is significant spinal cord compression. The outcome in these patients has ...
Fourty-three cases with metastatic spinal cord compression were reviewed post-operatively to clarify the usefulness of the procedures concerning restoration of neurological function, and pain relief. Only patients with pathological spinal instability and neurological sequelae were included. Posterior decompressio...
SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION (SCC) I N CHILDREN WITH SYS- 1686 =TEMIC ,CAanNdCEJR., D.W. Lewis, R.J. Packer, I.W. Rak, B. Belasco. Divisions of Neurology, Pedi- a t r i c s , and Oncology, C h i l d r e n ' s H o s p i t a l of P h i l a . , P h i ...
Intramedullary spinal cord metastases Direct involvement of the spinal cord with metastatic disease by hematogenous dissemination. It is most associated with lung cancer and is usually a harbinger of...doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85516-3_269James H. Brashears...
Treatment of spinal cord compression from metastatic carcinoma. Review of literature and presentation of a new method of treatment. Cancer 1968; 21:447–452. View ArticleMilburn L, Hibbs GG, Hendrickson FR: Treatment of spinal cord compression from metastatic carcinoma, review of the literature and...