Spinal Cord Structure: Spinal Cord Tissues Spinal Cord Structure: Spinal Cord Regions Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? FAQ The spinal cord is made up of 33 small bones called vertebrae stacked on top of each other forming a spinal canal inside. The...
Austin G: Spinal Cord Tumors,In: Austin G (ed.), The Spinal Cord: Basic Aspects andSurgical Considerations. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, pp. 46-96,1961.Austin GM (1961) The spinal cord: Basic aspects and surgical consideration. Thomas, Springfield, pp 10–12...
spinal cord n.a major part of the central nervous system which conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses to and from the brain; a long tubelike structure extending from the base of the brain through the vertebral canal to the upper lumbar region ...
最新系统解剖英文版神经系统脊髓Spinalcord精品课件 NervousSystem神经系统(shénjīngxìtǒng)第一页,共61页。★Organizations 中枢神经系统Centralnervoussystem(CNS)脑Brain脊髓Spinalcord周围(zhōuwéi)神经系统Peripheralnervous system(PNS)脑神经Cranialn.(12pairs)脊神经Spinaln.(31pairs)内脏神经Visceralnerves 第二页...
神经系统课件:17整合-Spinal Cord Nervoussystem 神经系统 Why 器官系统为基础的医学整合课程 适应21世纪社会、经济、科技和文化发展的需求,符合医学模式的转变:环境-社会-心理-工程-生物-医学;21世纪的医学将从“疾病医学”向“健康医学”发展;器官系统为基础的医学整合式教学,将有利于人类对生命现象、健康的认识...
to trace their courses. He hypothesized that they originate from the gray matter and believed that they continue within thespinal cordto peripheral receptors. InDe Cerebri Cortice, Malpighi viewed the cerebral cortex as a “porous gland structure” similar to that of the liver, spleen and kidney...
To create the International Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Female Sexual and Reproductive Function Basic Data Set within the International SCI Data Sets. Setting: An international working group. Methods: The draft of the data set was developed by an international working group consisting of members appoint...
Structure of the Spinal Cord Spinal Nerves Vasculature of the Spinal Cord Anatomical Review of the Neck Osseous Components Muscular Components Viscera of the Neck Vascular Components Major Nerves of the Neck Sectional Anatomy of the Vertebral Column, Spinal Cord, and Neck Transverse Sections of the ...
However, this principle is poorly applicable in the spinal cord, anchored by the nerve roots and surrounding ligaments. A load exerted on any specific area causes changes in the spinal cord tension extensively across this knitted structure. For example, in patients with tethered cord syndrome, the...
In this study, we examined the combined impact of osteopontin (OPN) and treadmill training on mice with spinal cord injury (SCI). OPN was overexpressed by