In cross section, the spinal cord is divided into an H-shaped area of gray matter (consisting of synapsing neuronal cell bodies) and a surrounding area of white matter (consisting of ascending and descending tracts of myelinated axons ). Like the brain , the spinal cord is surrounded by ...
Summary The spinal cord contains many descending and ascending longitudinal tracts whose development appears to be controlled by distinct guidance systems. We identified a population of dorsal spinal neurons marked by coexpression of the transcription factor Zic2 and the guidance receptor EphA4. Zic2+...
The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system and coordinates motor, sensory, and reflex signals. Anatomically, the spinal cord is located within the spinal canal and extends from the botto...
Spinal cord neural pathways are found within the spinal cord white matter. On each side, the white matter is divided into three funiculi: anterior, lateral, and posterior. Ascending tracts convey information from the periphery to the brain. On the other hand, the descending tracts carry informati...
The nerves of the spinal column relay biological information to and from the brain by ascending and descending tracts. A SCI occurs when acute trauma is generated to the spinal cord. Significant pathology and pathophysiology damage blocks communication between the brain and the rest of the body. ...
Most of the white matter consists of the ascending and descending tracts. The white matter on each side is divided into three funiculi, which are white columns named by their positions. There are dorsal, lateral, and ventral funiculi. Each contains several fiber tracts. Each trace consists of ...
To detect deterioration of spinal cord function and to prevent permanent damage by reversing the surgical maneuver, a number of intraoperative monitoring methods have been developed. Presently available methods, however, measure only the sensory pathways. Recently, there have been a number of clinical ...
Answer and Explanation:1 Descending and ascending tracts are contained in the white matter of the spinal cord. The white matter has three parts: anterior columns, the paired... Learn more about this topic: Spinal Cord Structure, Function & Terminology ...
(consisting of ascending and descending tracts of myelinated axons).Spinal Cord: Anatomyinjuries are complex injuries that involve damage to the neural tissue within the spinal canal.Spinal cordSpinal cordThe spinal cord is the major conduction pathway connecting the brain to the body; it is part...
Spinal cord diseases generally have distinctive clinical findings that reflect dysfunction of particular sensory or motor tracts. The abnormalities on MR images reflect the pathologic changes that occur in the affected pathways. The complexity and the wide spectrum of diseases affecting the spinal cord ...