Observation of spin splitting torque in a collinear antiferromagnet RuO2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 197202 (2022). Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Karube, S. et al. Observation of spin-splitter torque in collinear antiferromagnetic RuO2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 137201 (2022). Article ...
1b), an out-of-plane y-polarized spin current independent of the in-plane charge current direction can be generated in Mn3Y, which enters the top ferromagnetic layer and exert a damping-like torque \sim {{{\bf{m}}}\times ({{{\bf{m}}}\times {{{\bf{y}}}) to switch the ferroma...
15 - Spin-transfer-torque magnetoresistive random access memory (STT-MRAM) technology 热度: Current-driven spin torque induced by the Rashba effect in a ferromagnetic metal layer 热度: Biasedquasiballisticspintorquemagnetizationreversal S.Serrano-Guisan ...
dichroic beamsplitter couples the beaminto the optical spanner. The optical spanner is based on a 1.3-N.A., 1003 oil-immersion microscope objective. The associ- ated tube lens forms an image of the trapped particle on a CCD array. The sample cell comprises a micro- scope slide, an 60-...
Lifted Kramers spin degeneracy (LKSD) has been among the central topics of condensed-matter physics since the dawn of the band theory of solids1,2. It underpins established practical applications as well as current frontier research, ranging from magnetic-memory technology3,4,5,6,7to topological...
torque vector as a function of the angle of the electric field relative to the crystal axes, we find that the RuO2generates a spin current with a well-defined tilted spin orientation that is approximately parallel to the Néel vector. A maximum out-of-plane damping-like spin torque ...
In this letter, the spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in V films has been characterized by using an optical spin torque magnetometer based on the polar magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE)6, 22. A large spin Hall angle of −0.071 ± 0.003 has been found in V/Co40Fe40B20 bilayers. As ...
(e) Shows simulations of a spin wave splitter. The edge character of SWs allows to overcome obstacles for some frequencies, such as the slit in the middle. The excitation frequency is 12.73 GHz. Supplementary video 4 shows an animation of this process. All the triangular shapes are 1...
(i.e. marked as 3 and 4) are used for the spin wave detection via the inductive voltage measurements19. The spin wave generating antennas are connected to the same RF source via the splitter and a set of the phase shifters and attenuators. The output antennas are connected to the ...
Though the z-component of the magnetization across the DW is antisymmetric with respect to the wall center and can be described by mz(x) ∝ –arctan(x), the propagating SW has a decaying amplitude; thus, the magnonic spin torque breaks the antisymmetric structure of the DW. Figure 4(a)...