Keywords: WSN,Routing protocol SPIN,NS2 第1章 引言 1 1.1 无线传感器网络研究背景 1 1.2 无线传感器网络国内外研究现状 1 1.3 无线传感器网络存在的问题 2 1.4 无线传感器网络前景和应用 2 1.5 本文组织方式 3 第2章 无线传感器网络概述 4 2.1 无线传感器网络基本概念 4 2.2 无线传感器网络主要特点 4 2.3 ...
2009届本科毕业设计论文资料题 目名称: wsn中spin协议的研究 与模拟实现 学 院部: 计算机与通信学院 专业: 通信工程 学生姓名: 班级: 通信053 学号 指导教师姓名: 职称 讲师 最终评定成绩: 湖南工业大学
Since the nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are typically very small in size and are powered by irreplaceable battery, efficient use of energy becomes one of the most challenging tasks while designing any protocol for WSN. Routing protocols based on data-centric approach are suitable in ...
ECO-BAT: A New Routing Protocol for Energy Consumption Optimization Based on BAT Algorithm in WSN Wireless sensor network (WSN) has been widely used due to its vast range of applications. The energy problem is one of the important problems influencing t... M Kaddi,A Banana,M Omari - 《Com...
Pandey Sudhakar and Pal Pankaj ,"Spin-MI: Energy Saving Routing Algorithm Based on SPIN Protocol in WSN".National Academy Science Letters, volume 37,number 4,doi=10.1007/s40009-014-0232-9}Pandey, Sudhakar, and Pankaj Pal. "Spin-MI: Energy Saving Routing Algorithm Based on SPIN Protocol in ...
Liu, "Energy Saving Routing Algorithm Based on SPIN Protocol in WSN", IEEE Transaction, vol.5, 2011.Jing, L.; Liu, F. Energy Saving Routing Algorithm Based on SPIN Protocol in WSN. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (IASP), Wuhan, China,...
Data transmission in wireless domain is one of the major challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Wireless Sensor Networks make efficient use of energy and time in major field of research; different routing protocols have been proposed to overcome these problems. In this paper we proposed a...
Routing protocols are used to save energy during transmission in WSN. In this paper it is presented, how SPIN protocol, efficiently and effectively disseminate information among various sensors in an energy constrained WSN. SPIN Triangulation serves as the basis for much geometry based algorithms in ...
But the reliability is still a constraint for data delivery in WSN. In WSN, Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation (SPIN) is a data centric routing protocol which forwards data to neighbor nodes but it does not ensures the reliable data delivery. If one or more nodes in the path ...