Electrons are not the only particles that have an intrinsic angular momentum. All elementary particles, such as quarks or leptons, have an intrinsic spin, and the spin quantum number signifies the orientation of a particle. Figure 1: The Bohr model of an atom....
4b. The absence of sharp features signifies no well-defined magnon excitations in the QSL. Of course, an external magnetic will be break the TRS and may lead to a finite transverse optical conductivity. However, the key message of our proposal is that the TLHM in the intermediate coupling ...
It is shown that the rhombic term E of ZFS drastically reduces the nuclear relaxation rates of a paramagnetic molecule with an integer electron spin quantum number. In this case the nuclear relaxation time is independent of the external magnetic field strength. This signifies quenching of an ...
Spintronic devices aim to exploit the spin quantum number of an electron rather than the charge1. Their operational principles are underpinned by a reversible external stimulus to which electrons of opposing spin species respond oppositely2. In non-magnetic systems the task of finding such stimuli is...
The wavy gray curve signifies the action of σ2, the gray circle with P inside is the permutation operator, and the black dots are the R-matrices. On the second line, we used the identity satisfied by the R-matrices (4.29) while on the third line we used the Yang-Baxter relation to...
where the 6-vector |ψ⟩=[√ϵE,i√μH]T/2|ψ〉=[ϵE,iμH]Τ/2 represents the photon wave function [100], [101], [102], [103], [104], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109] and superscript T signifies the transpose of the matrix. Here, the SI units are used thro...
Here we note that l1 (or l2) taking integers 0, 1, 2, or 3 signifies the order and the topology of the lattice field, but the first and second order lattice fields contains the phase vortices with the first order and the second order, respectively. Under RCP illumination, the incident ...
This signifies that the charge transfer comes from the Ni surfaces to the molecules across the tunneling. Our theoretical findings are in con- sensus with the previous results obtained for the isolated higher n-acenes molecules22–29. Indeed, this situation is similar to the edge-state magnetism...
For roughly Czvm~=2 (Czwm~=2) the zero-energy peak in LDOS signifies two (one) MFs at each end that can be accessed in scanning tunneling microscopy experiments. The insets shows the LDOS at the middle of the chain, which has a spectral gap in the topological regions. We indicate ...
jump signifies that the NiFe layer in the more elliptical JJ-2 has switched its magnetization direction, and is now also in the 0-state, so the SQUID is now in the '0–0' state. Figure 2b shows similar data acquired for Hin < 0. Again there are two jumps in the plot, the first ...