2、Spin Orbit Torque (SOT):自旋轨道转矩 由于STT-MRAM还存在一些弊端,例如调控磁矩翻转的临界电流密度仍比较大,产生的功耗较高等。基于SOT的MRAM可以克服其一些缺点。 SOT的原理为利用spin Hall effect (SHE)或inverse spin galvanic effect (iSGE),使得在具有强自旋轨道耦合的重金属层中流动的电流转化为自旋流,...
图1:丑陋的草图一张哈哈哈 LLG方程为很多现象的分析提供了十分可靠的依据,包括很多理论计算的工作都是在此基础上进行,比如探讨自旋流对磁矩的作用就可以在这个方程的右边多加上一个自旋转移力矩(Spin Transfer Torque)项和自旋轨道力矩(Spin-Orbit Torque)项[1]。 2、铁磁共振-Ferromagnetic resonance(FMR) 铁磁体...
spin Hall effectspin–orbit torquesspintronicsA magnetic heterostructure with good thermal stability, large damping﹍ike spin–obit torque (DL㏒OT), and low power consumption is crucial to realize thermally stable, fast, and efficient magnetization manipulation in SOT devices. This work systematically ...
It has been shown that an in-plane charge current in a ferromagnet/nonmagnetic metal (FM/NM) bilayer can generate spin–orbit torque (SOT) via the bulk spin Hall effect in the NM7 and/or from the interfacial SOEs at the FM/NM interface11,12,13. These effects can be used for ...
In order to enhance the magnitude of spin-orbit torque (SOT), considerable experimental works have been devoted to studying the thickness dependence of the different layers in multilayers consisting of heavy metal (HM), ferromagnet (FM), and capping layers. Here, we present a theoretical model ...
Interfacial spin-orbit torques (SOTs) enable the manipulation of the magnetization through in-plane charge currents, which has drawn increasing attention for spintronic applications. The search for material systems providing efficient SOTs, has been focu
We present harmonic transverse voltage measurements of current-induced thermoelectric and spin-orbit torque (SOT) effects in ferromagnet/normal metal bilayers, in which thermal gradients produced by Joule heating and SOT coexist and give rise to ac transverse signals with comparable symmetry and magnitude...
[13].Reduced spin torque nano-oscillator linewidth using He+ irradiation, S Jiang & D Ravelosona & J Akerman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 072403 (2020) [14].Spin–orbit torque driven multi-level switching in He+ irradiated W–CoFeB–MgO Hall bars with perpendicular anisotropy, X.Zhao & M....
ABSTRCT Ferromagnetic metals, with the potential to generate spin current with unconventional spin polarization via the spin Hall effect, offer promising opportunities for field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization and for the spin-orbit torque devices. In this study, we investigate two distinct...
The engineering of spin–orbit torques, based mostly on the spin Hall effect, is being intensely pursued. Here, we report that the oxidation of spin–orbit-torque devices triggers a new mechanism of spin–orbit torque, which is about two times stronger than that based on the spin Hall ...