2) spin-orbit splitting 自旋-轨道劈裂 1. The effects of iso-scalar to tensor coupling on spin-orbit splittings are studied in the framework of the Relativistic Mean Field theory. 在相对论平均场理论中引入同位旋标量-矢量介子ω张量项,以208Pb为例,研究了张量项对原子核平均势场、介子场、自旋-...
那么在实验上,自旋-轨道耦合的直接结果就是自旋-动量锁定(spin-momentum locking),就是说在动量空间自旋不再简并,自旋轨道耦合包含两个方面,spin texture以及spin splitting。spin texture是指自旋的方向随动量的方向的变化而变化,如下图 a是Rashba SOC的图像,b是Dresslhaus SOC的图像,c是相同幅度的Rashab和Dressl...
3) Spin-orbit coupling 自旋轨道耦合 1. Current-induced spin polarization in spin-orbit coupling systems 自旋轨道耦合系统中的电流导致的自旋极化 2. Based on the 6×6 Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian,including strain,and taking into account of the quantum-size effect and spin-orbit coupling,a band ...
spin-orbit interactionsvalence bandswide band gap semiconductors/ spin-orbit splittingsWe have calculated the spin–orbit splittings of the top valence bands of AlN, GaN and InN crystallized in the zinc blende structure, using the LMTO–LDA method. Because of the large differences in the atomic ...
Spin-Orbit Splitting refers to the fine-structure splitting observed in the absorption and emission spectra of atoms, caused by the interaction between the electronic spin and the electronic angular momentum of the unpaired electron in the highest occupied orbital. ...
Density functional theory calculation and group theory strongly suggest that this splitting is due to spin–orbit interaction along one direction, and to symmetry along the other direction. We note that, according to the Kramers degeneracy, the spin–orbit interaction leaves every state doubly ...
The spin–orbit splitting in heavy-light mesons is seen to be suppressed experimentally, which may be due to a relativistic dynamical symmetry for the Dirac Hamiltonian. An alternative derivation of such a symmetry is given. Furthermore, the dynamics necessary for a qualitative understanding of the...
Molecular field and spin–orbit splittings in the 2p ionization of second-row elements: a Breit–Pauli approximation applied to OCS, SO 2 , and PF 3 An ab initio Breit–Pauli (BP) approach is applied for 2p ionized states, 2 P 3/2 and 2 P 1/2, of OCS, SO 2, and PF 3. Diago...
The spin-orbit constant A was determined to equal 10.88±0.08(1σ) cm , close to a simple estimate, 2/3ΔE = 10.17 cm, where ΔE is the boron 2 pP- Pspin-orbit splitting. The near equality of experimental and theoretical values of A suggests that the boron 2p orbital is not ...
An ab initio pseudopotential calculation is used to examine the spin-orbit splitting of states in the zinc-blende semiconductors GaAs and InSb within the local-density approximation (LDA). The relativistic pseudopotentials are generated with the occupied d orbitals of the atoms in the rigid core. ...