两种典型的自旋-轨道耦合是Dresselhaus和Rashba spin–orbit coupling, Dresselhaus SOC长这样, HD=γ(σxkx(ky2−kz2)+σyky(kz2−kx2)+σzkz(kx2−ky2)), Rashaba SOC长这样,z^是等效电场的方向,或者说空间反演对称性破缺的方向。 HR=αR(σ×k)⋅z^, 从HSOC出发,这些表示都是直接的。 那么...
Spin–orbit coupling of electrons with the crystal lattice plays a crucial role in materials without inversion symmetry, lifting spin degeneracy of the Bloch states and endowing the resulting nondegenerate bands with complex spin textures and topologically nontrivial wavefunctions. We present a detailed...
In solids this yields such intriguing phenomena as a spin splitting of electron states in inversion-asymmetric systems even at zero magnetic field and a Zeeman splitting that is significantly enhanced in magnitude over that for free electrons. This book describes spin-orbit ...
a, b Spin-relaxation anisotropy measured for two different planes of rotation, out-of-plane (θ) and in-plane (φ). Solid red and blue lines show fits to the data based on HEB coupling as detailed in the main text. c A graphical (3D) representation in the entire θ - φ plane. C...
In solids this yields such intriguing phenomena as a spin splitting of electron states in inversion-asymmetric systems even at zero magnetic field and a Zeeman splitting that is significantly enhanced in magnitude over that for free electrons. This book describes spin-orbit coupling effects... (...
自旋轨道耦合是一种相对论效应,通常很弱,但它在很多新奇的物理现象中都起着决定性的作用,比如Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI), Rashba interfaces和topological surface state等。 这里讨论固体里面的自旋轨道耦合(SOC): 和对称性无关的 存在于任何晶体。
The combined effect of the tunnel barriers and the SOC can be used to achieve a spin transistor function. Electrical voltage (Vg) is applied to the Schottky gate to alter the Rashba coupling strength within the InAlAs-InGaAs 2DEG and thus modulate the spin state of the conduction electrons ...
4. An experimental realization of a system that shows both strong interaction between electrons, e.g., in the form of a Fermi liquid, and spin–orbit coupling is challenging. It requires a system with sufficiently strong relativistic effects to unfold the role of spin–orbit coupling and with...
The spin Hall effect leads to the separation of electrons with opposite spins in different directions perpendicular to the electric current flow because of interaction between spin and orbital angular momenta. Similarly, with opposite spins (different handedness of circular light polarization) may take ...
Accurate ab initio representations of the ground X and the excited A and b3Πu electronic states of Na2 are computed along with the transition dipole moment between X and A and the spin–orbit coupling term between A and b3Πu. These data are used to simulate an experiment involving these ...