Spin鈥搊rbit splitting of protons and neutrons are computed from the single-particle energies of protons and neutrons and compared with other literature values. SPEs calculated for the nuclei show gap for the usual proton and neutron magic numbers and new magic numbers Z,N=14documentclass[12pt]{...
more detailed description of the TBF model and the re- lated approximations can be found in Ref. [26]. The proton and neutron s.p. energies in asymmetric nuclear matter are calculated by using the BHF approach for isospin asymmetric nuclear matter [31]. The starting 2 point of the BHF ...
Ideally, physicists would like to be able to calculate the proton’s spin (and that of the neutron, which has a similar spin shortfall) from first principles. Unfortunately, QCD is just too complex to permit analytical calculations. The basic problem lies in the enormous strength of the strong...
theprotononeinneutron—richnuclearmatter,i.e.,theneutronprotoneffectivemasssplittinginneutron— richnu'clearmatteris"2 >-q.Theeffectofthegroundstatecorrelationsistoenhanceremarkab1Yboth theneutronandprotoneffectivemassesinthewholerangeofisospinasymmetry0≤口≤1.Ourabovere— ...
The structures of the lightCd (Z = 48)isotopes are dominated by twog9/2proton holes and several neutrons in thed5/2,g7/2,s1/2,d3/2and/orh11/2orbits1-5Up to spin 8+, the even-A isotopes100,102Cdexhibit two well separated "families" of either proton-hole or neutron-particle ...
Precise determination of the spin structure function g_1 of the proton, deuteron and neutron Precise measurements of the spin structure functions of the proton g_1~p(x, Q~2) and deuteron g_1~d(x,Q~2) are presented over the kinematic range 0.0041 ≤... A Airapetian,N Akopov,Z Akopov...
Define isospin. isospin synonyms, isospin pronunciation, isospin translation, English dictionary definition of isospin. n. Abbr. I A quantum number related to the number of charge states of a baryon or meson. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Engli
A method for determining the isospin term of the optical potential by comparison of the optical potentials found from analyses of neutron and proton scattering by the same nucleus at the same energy was presented. Calculations were made using previous data for 14.5-Mev neutrons and data obtained ...
Internal structure of the proton: 2 "up" quarks and one "down" quark held together by the strong nuclear force mediated by gluons 1) Even/Even. Nuclei containing even numbers of both protons and neutrons haveI= 0 and therefore cannot undergo NMR. Examples include4He,12C,16O and32S. ...
Isospin-breaking effects in the baryonic sector are studied in the framework of a medium-modified Skyrme model. The neutron-proton mass difference in infinite, asymmetric nuclear matter is discussed. In order to describe the influence of the nuclear environment on the skyrmions, we include energy-...