Importance of Spin Glasses: Fundamental Physics: Spin glasses are important in understanding the nature of disordered systems and complex energylandscapes. They provide insights into the behavior of systems with frustration and disorder, which are prevalent in various physical and biological systems. Stati...
网络网络等效于自旋玻璃 网络释义 1. 网络等效于自旋玻璃 J.Hopfield 认为,这种 具有对称关系的网络等效于自旋玻璃(SpinGlasses)。这种每个神经元与许多其 它神经元相联系,和在自 …|基于2个网页
Spin glasses, the quantum annealing, colloidal glasses and crystals: exploring complex free-energy landscapesPresentamos aqui una seleccion de los resultados mas importantes obtenidos en cada capitulo de la tesis. El Modelo del Hipercubo Hemos estudiado [Fer10b] un nuevo modelo de campo medio para ...
Despite the extreme simplicity of their definition, spin glasses display a wide variety of non-trivial behaviors that are not yet fully understood. In this thesis the author sheds light on some of these, focusing on both the search for phase transitions under perturbations of Hamiltonians and ...
The study of spin glasses is a fascinating new topic in condensed matter physics that has attracted considerable attention over recent years. This book gives a comprehensive account of the subject, and will provide a valuable overview and reference to both newcomers and experts in the field. The...
Spin glasses, glasses and granular materials - Coniglio - 1998 () Citation Context ..., here we take the simpler cases of either no such degrees of freedom (constant fij) or only two possibilities, Si = ±1. The models that will be considered are the Frustrated Ising Lattice Gas (FILG)...
In the 1980s, a group of theoretical physicists introduced several models for certain disordered systems, called "spin glasses". This rigorous book introduces this exciting new area to the mathematically minded reader. It requires no knowledge whatsoever of any physics, and contains proofs in complet...
The subject of spin glasses has received a great deal of attention for over a decade [1,2]. Though enormous amounts of time and effort have gone into understanding these systems, for the most part, the effort has not been terribly successful. While a number of advances have been made, ...
This review summarizes recent developments in the theory of spin glasses, as well as pertinent experimental data. The most characteristic properties of spin glass systems are described, and related phenomena in other glassy systems (dielectric and orientational glasses) are mentioned. The Edwards-Anderso...
spin glasses/ reviewspin glass mean field theoryshort range Ising spin glass modelsHeisenberg models/ A0130R Reviews and tutorial papersresource letters A7540 Critical-point effects, specific heats, short-range order in magnetic materialsThe current status of spin glass mean field theory is reviewed....