这是spin-flop transition。然后,当H增加时,磁矩向H方向发生连续旋转。 spin-flop transition 强的磁晶各项异性: 2个子晶格的磁化保持平行于易磁化轴直到临界场。在H=Hcritic时,与H反平行的子晶格磁化强度突然朝向场方向发生旋转,导致两个磁矩平行排列。获得饱和状态,曲线(b)。spin-flip transition spin-flip ...
如题,spin flip和spin flop的区别是什么??另外,spin flip和spin flop是不是一定要出现在有长程有...
词汇自旋转向 spin flop; 释义见:自旋: 自旋转向 spin flop;
Changes in the magnetization structure of an antiferromagnetically (afm)-coupled metallic multilayer as a function of the applied field H along the easy axis may involve both spin-flip and spin-flop events. The latter are widely discussed as the origin of the characteristic shapes of the magnetiz...
PNR studies of spin-flop and spin-flip processes in magnetic multilayer, NiFe/Ir system Changes in the magnetization structure of an antiferromagnetically (afm)-coupled metallic multilayer as a function of the applied field H along the easy ax... H Ambaye,G Mankey,V Lauter,... - American ...
...);1997年 Koon [12] 提出由反铁 磁层界面原子磁矩的自旋翻转(Spin-Flop)态与铁 磁层之间的垂直耦合(称为Spin-Flop Coupl…www.docin.com|基于2个网页 2. 自旋垂下转变 在2K 的时候,类似自旋垂下转变(spin-flop)在纯的DyMnO3被明显观察到。但其特性随著Bi3+掺杂的增加而逐渐减小,对於x=0.15与…e...
EUGENE, Ore., June 2, 2008 -- An attempt to flip the spin of electrons using ultrafast laser bursts may have failed, but in the process researchers found a way to manipulate and control electron spin -- knowledge that may prove useful in a variety of new materials and technologies. Spin...
flip flop n. 1. 后滚翻 2. 人字拖 v. (意见、立场)摇摆不定 spin( )orbit 自旋轨道 spin( )spreader 自转式洒布机 spin on 旋压 flip and flop 双稳态多谐振荡器 最新单词 dibenzothiazyl disulfide的中文释义 二硫化二苯并噻唑 dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6)什么意思及同义词 二苯并-18-...
The "Flip or Flop" star spills on working with ex-husband Tarek despite being divorced. Plus, hear what to expect from her new series "Christina on the Coast."