Suggested Procedure for Development of Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans - PLAN TEMPLATEdoi:API Bull D16 Template如果下载该模板,您将收到一个Microsoft Word文档,该文档包含在一个自解压缩的".zip"文件中.
The Pt@-Fe@SiO2catalysts with Pt and Fe particles deposited into the respective micropores and macropores of the hierarchically structured SiO2support were prepared via a dual-template step-impregnation method as described in our previous study19. In a typical preparation procedure, surfactant Tergito...
To investigate if GLT-1 is a general inhibitor of repetitive reversals, we examined reversals associated with the escape response to aversive stimuli. Anterior mechanical stimuli applied to wild-typeC. elegansinduce backward movement for ~3 body bends, followed by forward movement in a different hea...
In a typical preparation procedure, surfactant Tergitol 15-S-5 (used as the micropore template, Aldrich), concentrated HCl, and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS, Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. 99.0%) were sequentially added into a mixed solvent of de-ionized water and ethanol (Sinopharm Chemical ...
All Special IssuesCoxiella burnetii: The Host Immune Response, Host-Pathogen Interaction and PathogenesisLeptospira infections in Domestic and Wild AnimalListeria monocytogenes and Its Interactions with the HostMycobacterium tuberculosis Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and TreatmentMycobacterium tuberculosis Pathogenesis, Inf...