Supercharge Your Excel: Kutools Unlocks 300+ Advanced Tools! Spill range in table Cause:If the spill range is inside an Excel Table, it can lead to the #SPILL! error. Example:You have an Excel table (A1:B6), and you want to sort the data in column A and spill the result in column...
在Excel的日常操作中,如何通过公式灵活处理多单元格信息,提升工作效率呢?这就涉及到溢出区域(spill range)的应用。当一个单元格被选中并执行特定操作时,如unique()函数或sort()函数,可能会出现溢出区域的标志。unique()函数是去重的好帮手。当你用它在单行或单列中筛选出唯一的值时,重复的数值会...
3. Spill Range in Table The spill Range does not support the table and if the Spill Range is occurring in a table, then it may throw # a spill error. Here, a user has three options, first,use another formula(discussed at the end of the article), and second move theformula outsidet...
选定区域为左上方,溢出的区域时 公式产生溢出区域(spill range)的几种方式 unique()函数 UNIQUE 函数返回列表或范围中的一系列唯一值,一般选定单行/单列来进行去重,相同数值仅出现一次,然后溢出单个单元格,形成一个区域。 =unique(table_array, by_col) table_array: 为需要进行去重的数据范围 by_col:为按照行or...
For the new item to be included in the formula results, you need to change the referred range to A2:A11. If you want such changes to be reflected on the fly, then put your source data into anExcel tableand usestructured referencesin your formulas. Unlike ranges, Excel tables expand autom...
1. Select your rows and click onTable Designfrom the top menu. 2. Click onConvert to Range. 3. Click onYesto confirm and your table will be converted to the normal range. Method 3: Clear Merged Cells One or more merge cells have been obstructing your spill range and therefore you migh...
Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate Set rr = Application.InputBox( _ prompt:="Select a range on this worksheet", _ Type:=8) If rr.HasSpill = True Then MsgBox "Every cell in the selection is part of a spilled range" End If 支持和反馈有...
Example 1 – The spill range is big Example 2 – Implicit intersection (@) Example 3 – Results spilling beyond the worksheet column limits 5- Excel Tables With Dynamic Arrays Example – Array Formula in Excel Table What is a #SPILL! Error in Excel?
Once you have converted the Excel table into a normal range: Reapply the UNIQUE function, and it’s all sorted now. Examples of formulas that return the #spill error Most of the time, you’d see the #SPILL error for array functions. These functions result in an array of cells. ...
Spill Range in Excel Table AFTER.xlsx Why You Might See a #SPILL Error in Your Excel Table #SPILL errors occur when there essentiallyisn't enough space for Dynamic Array Functions to spill their results. (For an explanation of these functions and how they work, see this post:Dynamic Array...