Running Blindis mostly a curiosity. If you have read or enjoyed Bagley’s fine novels this is a bit more, but I admit it isn’t fully successful and it’s a book that deserves a big action movie done right and not a small half-hearted mini-series. I can see w...
You know, with movies like “Whos your caddy” and “Epic Movie” being made, I’m surprised something like this does not get turned into a movie. DI indeed! Dr. Evil. Posted 29 August 2007 at 01:18 am If the nuclear battery was encased in lead then presumably it would be fairly ...
Steven, your last movie,Lincoln,came out during the presidential election year and now this movie,Bridge of Spies, comes out a few months on the heels of this Iran deal. Obviously you could not plan the latter, but what lessons do you think Donovan and Berlin have for us today and what...
re rich and poor, criminals and a judge, good people and not so good people, where our conventional associations — like bad criminal, and good judge — don’t necessarily apply. Each one of these characters disregarded the law when they felt like it, yet only one faced the consequences ...