Hewaslike,Whatareyouknuckleheadsdoing? 那是艾伦·杜勒斯在中情局职业生涯的终末 ThatwastheendofAllenDullesscareerattheCIA. 1961年11月28日 杜勒斯先生中hearts;央hearts;情报局的成员 Mr.Dulles,membersoftheCentralIntelligenceAgency, 这个仪式给了我们所有人一个机会 thisceremonygivesusallanopportunity 向一位杰出...
In the next stage of development, AI-generated routines for the driver will follow Stop at the company gate shortly before 8 o'clock in the morning, lower the side window and present your company pass to be allowed to drive onto the premises - many people start their work day like this....