You never did. Miguel O'Hara : You don't belong here. You never did. Miles Morales : [strained] Let... me... go! Gwen Stacy : Miguel, that's enough! Peter B. Parker : This isn't what we talked about! [Miles then realizes that Miguel conferred with Peter B. and Gwen...
Miguel: You left a hole wide enough for guys like him to randomly get shot into the wrong dimension. Now I'm stuck putting everybody back where they belong before all of time and space collapses! And don't even get me started on Doctor Strange and the little nerd back on Earth-199999...
“You’re like me.” That simple phrase, repeated a number of times in 2018’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, is close to the film’s emotional center. Into the Spider-Verse is a layered movie brimming with ideas: It’s about family bonds and self-discovery; it’s about the ado...
Into the Spider-Verseestablished the series motif of introducing new Spider-Men with a cover from their comic book series.Across the Spider-Versereintroduces Miles this way — and if you look closely at the cover of theMiles Morales: Spider-Mancomic that appears onscreen, you’ll see that i...