Wonder Woman Theme: Season One (From the Original Score to the Tv Series "Wonder Woman") - CoverDominik Hauser,Dustin Robinson,Katie Campbell 9 Angel Title Theme (From the Television Series "Angel") - CoverDominik Hauser 10 Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Theme from the Animated Tv Series...
Dominik Hauser - Spiderman & His Amazing Friends - Theme from the Animated Television Series 专辑: Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends - Theme from the Marvel Productions Animated Series (John Douglas 歌手:Dominik Hauser纯音乐,请欣赏 Dominik Hauser - Spiderman & His Amazing Friends - Theme from...
Spider-Man: The New Animated Series(2003) Immediately following the massive success of Sam Raimi’s firstSpider-Manmovie, MTV broadcast a computer-animatedSpider-Manshow that ran for one season, and was meant to exist in the same continuity as the Raimi movies. The show was rendered with dig...