《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》將登陸PC!我們終於在紐約漫畫展(Comic Con)漫威舞台正式公布,廣受好評的《Marvel’s Spider-Man》系列最新作,將於2025年1月31日登陸PC,在Steam與Epic Games Store兩大商店上架,現已可供加入願望清單。 我們也十分高興與玩家分享,我們的好夥伴Nixxes Software將再次與Insomniac Games、Pl...
The weekend is here, so you probably want to sit back and relax by playing some video games. If you're subscribed to PlayStation Plus Premium or Extra on PS4 or PS5, then there are tons of fantastic titles to choose from in the subscription service's vast game catalog. It's a lot ...