Movie – Primary Navigation Home All Movies All Stars All Genres All Series By Quality Contact Home 1080p Bluray Action Fantasy Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 (2004)Peter Parker is an unhappy man: after two years of fighting crime as Spider-Man, his life has begun to fall apar...
This article contains spoilers for every Spider-Man film released to date, including Spider-Man: No Way Home. You’ve been warned. In the last 20 years, we’ve had three Batmen, three Jokers and three Spider-Men, plus countless animated versions of them. But while Batman and the Joker ...
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME continues the charming “teen comedy, but in the Marvel Universe” vibe of 2017’sSPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, but instead of situating it on the outskirts of the MCU it’s more in the middle this time. It’s pretty much an epilogue to the whole story that culmina...
he finally made the leap to genuine blockbuster filmmaking, bringing one of the most famous characters in the history of American pop culture to the big screen for the first time. This is not the use-Intro-Vision-to-stretch-the-budget-enough-...