This personality typing is based on the character as portrayed in Marvel’s latest Avengers movies (Infinity War and Endgame), Captain America: Civil War, and Spider-Man’s solo outing in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Spider-Man: Far from Home has not been released as of the writing of...
Whatever the motivations, there are over 100 years of movie history to choose from. One could go back as far as the silent era to find big-budget spectacle, in movies such as Buster Keaton’s “The General” or Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis.” Each decade that followed delivered its own ...
Hero from the very beginning. An insecure but courageous and intelligent teen named Peter Parker, a new student of Midtown High, is bitten by a radioactive spider and given powers. He becomes a hero named Spider-Man after the death of his uncle and he must adapt to this new way of ...