"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" (Part One) is the upcoming CG-animated sequel to the award-winning feature "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" (2019), to be directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers and Justin K. Thompson, showcasing Marvel Comics characters 'Miles Morales', '...
Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2099 by Hot Toys By Joe Moore on May 24, 2023 Product pages have been posted by Hot Toys for their first two figures from Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse. They have shared photos and details for their Miles Morales...
Gwen is dealing with some pretty serious parental issues with her father, George Stacy (Shea Whigham). Most importantly, Miguel O’Hara (Oscar Isaac), aka Spider-Man 2099, has created a spider-force made up of spider-heroes from across the multiverse. Their ...
You’ve never seen a movie quite likeSpider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Even its predecessor, 2018’sSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, seems a bit quaint in comparison to the new film. It’s notAcross the Spider-Verse’s plot that makes it all that unique, either. In a time when...
This past Friday, Sony officially announced Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2, which is set to arrive in three years’ time. The sequel to the 2018 smash hit animated movie will have a lot to live up to. For one, it’ll have to go even bigger than the multiversal scope of the ...
He spends most of his time in 2099 fighting against Tyler Stone, the vice president of R&D at Alchemax and the person who tricked him into the accident that caused him to become Spider-Man. Most of these details are absent from Across the Spider-Verse, but there are enough hints ...
Most ofAcross the Spider-Verse’s biggest Easter eggs appear during its trip to Nueva York, the home city of Miguel O’Hara/Spider-Man 2099 (Oscar Isaac). The film’s detour there gives it the chance to dive into the minutiae of the multiverse in a way that neither it...
I present to you my version of the Spider-Man 2099 mod from the Spider Man Across the SpiderVerse 2023 cartoon. I wanted to bring this skin AS close as POSSIBLE to the original, every scheme, every detail, every environment was made as from the original cartoon. ...
Don't give away the plot and just make everyone remember why the first was so great and why this one will be too. You've already got my $15, Sony. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction when Japanese Spider-man summons Leopardon. "Yea yea yea ...WOW " A+ theme song....
Looks like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will deliver a great moment that winks at the MCU Spider-Man.