Fight against a variety of new and iconic villains, including an original take on the monstrous Venom, the ruthless Kraven the Hunter, the volatile Lizard and many more! Visit an expanded Marvel’s New York Explore a larger Marvel’s New York than ever before, featuring two new boroughs –...
Wield Peter’s symbiote abilities and Miles’ explosive bio-electric powers in battle against new and iconic Marvel Super Villains – including an original take on a symbiote-infused Venom, the ruthless Kraven the Hunter, the volatile Lizard, and more from the Marvel Rogues’ Gallery. ...
et originalt take på en symbiotinficeret Venom, den nådesløse jæger Kraven, den volatile Lizard og mange flere fra Marvels forbryderalbum.Føl Spider-Mans sande styrke i dine hænder!- Haptisk feedback: Oplev Peters og Miles' fulde potentiale med nye egenskaber ved dine ...
sending impactful, reverberating ripples through the DualSense controller haptics. The resonant haptic sensation sells the bell’s disruptive effect on the twitching Black Suit. Cutscenes with the massive stampeding Lizard are also accented by intense haptic pulses, emulating...
Combatti contro una serie di nuovi e iconici cattivi, tra cui un'originale rivisitazione del mostruoso Venom, lo spietato Kraven il Cacciatore, l'instabile Lizard e molti altri. Un'esperienza Spider-Man ancora più accessibile Le nuove caratteristiche di accessibilità puntano a creare un'esperien...
Scaling up in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: how Insomniac created a new version of Lizard Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 builds on accessibility in previous titles and introduces new features How Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 taps into the power of PS5
powers. Fight a rogues’ gallery of Marvel’s Super Villains – including Kraven the Hunter, Lizard, an original take on Venom, and many more! Explore the expanded open world of Marvel’s New York, featuring new environments and locations. Discover a range of new and in-depth accessibilit...
The other villains also look fantastic with Kraven, Lizard and Venom all being beautifully represented here. It shows New York in a fantastic way and made me care about it, overall it is a great looking game.Overall Overall, Spider-Man 2 is a fantastic game and one of the best superhero...
I hated the movie but the game is better. The reason why I gave it an 9 because it's not better then Spider- Man 2 the game. I've like you can get the Sam Raimi black Spider-Man suit but it sucks that you can't get the regular Sam Raimi Spider-Man suit. The Lizard still su...
Fight a rogues’ gallery of Marvel’s Super Villains – including Kraven the Hunter, Lizard, an original take on Venom, and many more! Explore the expanded open world of Marvel’s New York, featuring new environments and locations. Discover a range of new and in-depth accessibility feature...