Spider-Man (1981) 88 votes Spider-Man (Marvel Productions, 1981) is an American animated TV series based on the popular Marvel Comics character of the same name. This version of the super hero featured Peter Parker (Ted Schwartz) having to balance his alter ego crimefi...
Spider-Man Animated Series Jan 01 1993 48 votes Platform:Super Nintendo Entertainment System Buy at 30 Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace 2001 55 votes Platform:Game Boy Advance, Digiblast 31 Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems Jan 01 1996 ...
The animated television seriesSpider-Man and his Amazing Friendsoriginally aired on the NBC network Saturday mornings beginning in 1981. Though originally proposed as a show similar to the Spider-Man comic books, the network felt that Spidey needed some additional elements to make him accessible to...
Archie New Look Series Volume 4 My Fathers Betrayal Tp Betty & Veronica #247 Sonic Universe #15 Aspen Mindfield #0 (Cover A Alex Konat) Mindfield #0 (Cover B Phil Noto) Avatar Press Crossed Volume 1 Tp Fevre Dream #1 (of 10)(Felipe Massafera Regular Cover) ...
Ted Schwartz (1981-1982) Marvel / Marvel In terms of acting, Ted Schwartz was a breath of fresh air as the voice of Spider-Man in the series named after the character. Unlike Soles, who basically did his best Superman impression into the microphone, Schwartz actually makes Spider-Man sound...
The Animated Seriesretro wave, we have the debut of The Chameleon, and yes, he gets a J. Jonah Jameson mask. We are also getting a Clone Saga debut with Kaine from a time before he was a hero and the corrupt clone of Peter Parker. Lastly, we are stepping into the Spider-Verse with...
13.Spider-Man: The Dragon’s Challenge(1981) Marvel 15.Spider-Man: The Dragon’s Challenge(1981) The third and final feature film cobbled together from episodes of the late 1970sSpider-Mantelevision series is the worst of the bunch, with generic, interchangeable villains, little action, and ...
Spider-man and his Amazing friends (1981-1983) http://spider-friends.com/ Loading Video... --- Spider-Man the Animated Series (1994-1998) Loading Video... 10 years ago Teerack Follow 10703 Forum Posts 1614 Wiki Points 0 Followers Reviews: 0 User Lists: 64 #9067 Edited By Teerack ...
Spider-Man: The Dragon’s Challenge (1981) CBS / CBS Like its predecessor,The Dragon’s Challengecombines two episodes from Nicholas Hammond’s TV show. In this movie, Spider-Man tries to prove the innocence of a Chinese Minister (Benson Fong) accused of conspiring against Chairman Mao. Yes...
Television (Animated)In the 1967 Spider-Man series, he was voiced by Paul Soles. Soles would voice the character again in the Spider-Woman tv series. In the 1981 Spider-Man series, he was voiced by Ted Schwartz. In Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, he was voiced by Dan Gilvezan, ...