(10)SPIDER-MAN FIGURES.“Hasbro Unveils New Spider-Man Marvel Legends Wave for 2025”–Bleeding Coolhas all the photos. Here are a couple. …The first wave of Marvel Legends figures for 2025 have been revealed, with Spider-Man bringing some heat in the new year…. However, the whole rost...
Peter Parker and Mj from Spider-Man: The Animated Series in X-Men ’97/ Marvel AnimationCameos included heavy hitters like Iron Man and Captain America, and street-level fighters like Cloak and Dagger, Daredevil, and Spider-Man. The Silver Samurai and Omega Red also made appearances in the...
During an interview with The Washington Post, the game's creative director, Bryan Intihar, disclosed that the world map of the sequel will be twice as huge as that of the firstSpider-Mangame. According to Intihar, the scale of the city inSpider-Man 2is roughly twice...
For the record, these characters are welcome additions to the Appendix site. Maybe this will encourage fan and/or writer interest and get them across. I can dream, can't I? The Gentleman is canon since he was mentioned in the Sinister Six All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe...
but for whatever reason (scheduling, etc.) it never had great conclusions. If you are a fan of Snyder or Lee, you should pick this up, because they really put forth as great effort here. For the rest of us, well, it scores a DECENT on the Masked Man's scale of CRAP, POOR, DECE...
Spider-Man’s debut soon led to an ongoing comic series that began withThe Amazing Spider-Man(abbreviatedASM), vol. 1, no. 1, in March 1963. Theeponymouscharacter immediately becameintegralto the ever-burgeoning “Marvel universe” as well, interacting (and sometimes exchanging blows) with such...