There is a reason why the original insomniac Spider-Man game for the ps2 and its mechanic didn't stick. And they are making a comeback stronger then ever!!It's because I didn't pay for it and didn't contribute to it that I get the right.I didn't vote for this.It's has to st...
True Hero (20 points) - Heroism to the maximum. Ultimate Spider-Man (30 points) - Reached maximum levels for all suits. Vigilante (15 points) - Completed 10 petty crime situations. You Are Under Arrest (20 points) - Defeated Kingpin. Print...
First and foremost, Spider-Man is all about web-swinging, and does this game ever get it right, moreso than any Spider-Man game before it. Swinging through a virtual New York whenever you want, however you want, is an adrenaline rush that lacks written description. It's simply exhilaratin...
badman200 / CatVodTVSpider Baikele / CatVodTVSpider bao523 / CatVodTVSpider baoxin / CatVodTVSpider Bear9501 / CatVodTVSpider-- Benson80 / CatVodTVSpider betaer / CatVodTVSpider betalita / CatVodTVSpider bett999 / CatVodTVSpider ...
这次更新,主要是补充模拟器ROM资源。众所周知,苹果已经开放了模拟器应用的上架,目前已经可以在iOS设备上,畅玩NDS、GBA、FC、街机、PSP等游戏。随着时间推移,相信PS1、PS2、3DS等模拟游戏也能上架。而因为App Store的限制,大多数模拟器APP,都不内置ROM,只能自己下载。而通过网盘来分享,固然也是个解决方案,只是...
我还记得小时候初次拿到 Walkman 的时候,因为我的生日原因,我家亲戚买了台 Walkman 送给我,我真的爱不释手,那是我第一次结识索尼产品的时刻。而那台 Walkman ,虽然后来被我打开搞坏了,但它让我第一次对于音乐有了热情。与现在音乐成为随时随地都能听的感受不同,在那个互联网还不发达的时代,马云还在...
为了兼容PS2游戏集成的PS2芯片;为了提升内存带宽而采用的256MB XDR内存;还有号称能“模拟地球”的CELL处理器,(虽然这段是被断章取义了,但是为了CELL的同期性能确实要强于PS3的竞争对手们)以及蓝光光驱,原本的家用游戏机活生生让索尼给整成了附带PS2和PS3游戏功能的高级蓝光播放器。当然,从另一角度讲,也幸亏...
在这个初春,索尼带着宣传已久的PS2进入新千年第一场家用机大战,这台机器不负众望成为了至今世界上最成功的家用游戏家用机,无数第三方厂商都顺应天时选择了这台PS2作为自己发售游戏的战场,数不胜数的大作降临在PS2上,它成功的集结了全世界玩家的目光,就连整个洛丹伦的森林都在低语着它的名字,PS2(并没有)…… 无...