Third, we compared the number of spider monkeys counted during ground and drone surveys depending on flight type (grid and hover flights) and time of day (morning and evening). Primate ground surveys become less reliable when encountering larger groups, Drones 2019, 3, 34 3 of 19 as ...
72.Busch-art linear/ALBA - Sustainable switch program(开关程序) Designer设计者:Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH 设计说明: Busch-art linear/ALBA is the new, sustainable switch series from Busch-Jaeger and forms the perfect bal-ance of design and nature, of industrial product and ecological requirement, ...
snowman:可能是有史以来最小的编译器 : 这是一个超简化的例子,它描述了一个使用JavaScript编写的易于阅读的 现代编译器的所有主要部分精彩的编译器 : 编译器,翻译和运行的精彩资源列表提升一个编译器 : 了解如何提升一个编译器一起开发一个简单的解释器-第一章 : 尝试通过构建一个编译器,揭开它的神秘面纱业...
图像生成能力 Sora is also capable of generating images. We do this by arranging patches of Gaussian noise in a spatial grid with a temporal extent of one frame. The model can generate images of variable sizes—up to 2048x2048 resolution. Sora也能够生成图像。我们通过在具有一个帧时间范围的...