Spider-Man: No Way Home is an American superhero film and the sequel to the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: Far From Home. It was already confirmed in June 2017, before the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming. The film was released on December 1
He was portrayed in the 2021 film Spider-Man: No Way Home by Willem Dafoe. Norman Osborn was a rich industrialist and founder of Oscorp Technologies, after being injected with the goblim serum, he became the villain known as the Green Goblin. He was in conflict with Spider-Man before ...
Spider-Man: Homecoming is a 2017 superhero film, based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. A reboot of the Spider-Man franchise, the film is a sequel to Captain America: Civil War. It is the sixteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a
Spider-Man: Homecoming Spider-Man: Far From Home Spider-Man: No Way Home Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Advertisement Sign In Register Spider-Man Films Wiki 804 pages Explore Main Page All Pages Community Interactive Maps Re...
Gwen Stacy does not appear in the MCU, but the version that appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man films (played by Emma Stone) is mentioned in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Gwen's Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, tells his MCU counterpart about the death of his girlfriend, describing her...
Andrew Garfield told Esquire magazine as part of a new cover story that returning as Spider-Man after his beloved appearance in 2021’s “Spider-Man: No Way Home” depends on the idea being “unique” enough and “additive to the culture.” The two-time Oscar nominee debuted as Peter Park...
而钢铁侠在最后回归本心,说出“I am Iron Man”的台词时,正是其人性最为闪亮的时刻。从《美国队长3...
当 Spider-Man: Far From Home这部电影的终点,蜘蛛侠的个人身份暴露后,就留下了一个悬念。当这一切...
It is at this time that aunt May enters the room and sees Peter as Spider-Man. The secret is finally out! Aunt May walks away and uses a full day to comprehend the facts before she finally confronts Peter with it. Peter tried to talk his way out of it but finally sees that it is...
Venomis one of the two titular main protagonists (alongsideEddie Brock) of the superhero film trilogy of the same name withinSony's Spider-Man Universeand a minor character in the 2021Marvel Cinematic UniversefilmSpider-Man: No Way Home. ...