Spider-Man’s darkest storyline reaches its peak with this iconic cover art. 1987’sWeb of Spider-Man#32 continues the “Kraven’s Last Hunt” storyline where Kraven, tired of being disrespected by Spider-Man, tranquilizes and buries the Wall Crawler in a grave. The cover drawn by Mike Z...
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson. With Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld, Brian Tyree Henry, Luna Lauren Velez. Miles Morales catapults across the multiverse, where he encounters a team of
Parker explains the origins of Spider-Man Parker kept claiming that the video was fake footage that was made on a computer, but his cover was blown when Stark uncovered the makeshift outfit that Parker used as his costume hidden in a loft space. Parker had no other choice but to confess...
This is the first Spider-Man movie to use the word sex. It is used when Aunt May tries to assure Peter he shouldn't feel weird about it with MJ, which he denies. Peter visiting Adrian Toomes, scrapped idea. When Aunt May is dying, Peter tells her "It's just me and you", the...
Spider-Man 2 Amazingly bad characters. 8 ByEddie Possehl Jul 30, 2024 3:02 The Best Character in Every Spider-Man Movie They might not do whatever a spider can, but these characters sure are the best in their respective Spider-Man movies!
He voiced the role in the animated movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Spider-Noir has been officially ordered to series already at MGM+ and Amazon Prime Video.Others who are starring in the series include Lamorne Morris, Brendan Gleeson, and Li Jun Li. Stay tuned as we learn more!
1/6/2025 by Scott Feinberg The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Iron Man Take Cover, James Gunn: Matt Reeves’ Plans for The Penguin Season 2 and The Batman 2 Is Leading To a Deadly Trap That Took Down Even the Mighty MCU 1/7/2025 by Visarg Acharya FandomWire The Only Three Marvel Ci...
record cover, assembled out of loose pieces of set lists, newspaper articles and zine art. Can we get a whole movie that looks like this? Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 6. The Spot Dr. Jonathan Ohnn is the Spot. Get it? Jonathan Ohnn: The Spot… “Johnny on the spot...
Spider-Man: The Dragon’s Challenge (1981) CBS / CBS Like its predecessor,The Dragon’s Challengecombines two episodes from Nicholas Hammond’s TV show. In this movie, Spider-Man tries to prove the innocence of a Chinese Minister (Benson Fong) accused of conspiring against Chairman Mao. Yes...
While Tom Holland wasn't necessarily an unknown when he was cast as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War, the movie was still his big break in Hollywood.He's since gone on to star in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Avengers: Infinity ...