Spider-Man: Homecoming: Jon Watts द्वारा निर्देशित. Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomei के साथ. क्वींस का पीटर पार्क
Spider-man: Homecoming 上映日期:2017年7月6日片長:133 分鐘級別: IIA 4.0 3736讚好552影評 簡介 經歷英雄內戰一役後,彼得柏加(湯姆賀倫 飾)繼續與嬸嬸(瑪麗莎托梅 飾)同住,嘗試重新投入過去的平凡生活,心裡卻對蜘蛛俠之身份難以忘懷。那邊廂,東尼史達(羅拔唐尼 飾)再三強調蜘蛛俠並不屬於「復仇者聯盟」,為...
We Talk About Tom Holland Manifesting His Spider-Man Casting but His Fiancé Zendaya Is Not Too Far Away With Her Shrek 5 Debut 3/1/2025 by Ojas Goel FandomWire My Dead Friend Zoe Review — Ptsd Dramedy is Funny, Touching 3/1/2025 ...
Spider-Man Movie News - Tom Holland will return as Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Far from home, swinging into theatres 2nd July, 2019!
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Trailer (2017) 12:45 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' | Unscripted | Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon Movie Details Theatrical Release:July 7th, 2017 - Buy Tickets On DVD & Blu-ray:October 17th, 2017 - Buy DVD Movie Budget:$175,000,000 Movie Box Office Gross:$880,166,924...
Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, Peter Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man. He also tries to return to his normal daily routine, distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just a friendly neighborhood s
Website http://www.spidermanhomecoming.com Summary Spider-Man: Homecoming finds Peter Parker thrilled by his experience with the Avengers. He soon returns home to live with his Aunt May. Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man....
The first Spider-Man isnt the best of Raimis three Spidey films, but it's a very important film, one that set the template for how Marvel superhero movies would look for the next 20 years. (20th anniversary) 1651601885000 FULL REVIEW ...
(2016) as the protégé ofIron Manalter ego Tony Stark.Tom Holland’s scene-stealing turn as the webslinger breathed new life into a character who had been experiencingdiminishing returnsat the box office. InSpider-Man: Homecoming(2017) Holland led an impressive ensemble cast, which included...
Spider-man: Homecoming 上映日期:2017年7月6日片長:133 分鐘級別: IIA 4.0 3736讚好552影評 簡介 經歷英雄內戰一役後,彼得柏加(湯姆賀倫 飾)繼續與嬸嬸(瑪麗莎托梅 飾)同住,嘗試重新投入過去的平凡生活,心裡卻對蜘蛛俠之身份難以忘懷。那邊廂,東尼史達(羅拔唐尼 飾)再三強調蜘蛛俠並不屬於「復仇者聯盟」,為...