Spider-Man: Homecoming finds Peter Parker thrilled by his experience with the Avengers. He soon returns home to live with his Aunt May. Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man. He also tries to return to his normal daily rou...
Spider-Man: Homecoming is a 2017 superhero film, based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. A reboot of the Spider-Man franchise, the film is a sequel to Captain America: Civil War. It is the sixteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a
Spider-Man: Homecoming finds Peter Parker thrilled by his experience with the Avengers. He soon returns home to live with his Aunt May. Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man. He also tries to return to his normal daily rou...
No one almost destroys the universe or the planet, or even demolishes a large European city or a sizable chunk of a New York borough, in Jon Watts’ Spider-Man: Homecoming. That’s not to say there’s no significant property damage, but compared to the excesses that have become de rigu...
Watch: Zendaya Dazzles at "Spider-Man: Homecoming" Premiere Zendaya looked gorgeous and regal on the red carpet at the premiere of Spider-Man: Homecoming in Hollywood Wednesday. The 20-year-old actress, who plays Peter Parker's classmate Michelle, wore a custom, flowing, draped bubblegum pink...
The Marvel family certainly has found a forgetful-aunt-that-keeps-you-humble type in Gwyneth Paltrow. Tom Holland must be constantly entering MCU reunions in his Spidey costume at this point just to jog the memory of the actress and Goop CEO. She just won’t give Spide...
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 MCU Films Films Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man: Homecoming Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home Spider-Man: No Way Home Characters Spider-Man Ned Leeds Michelle Jones Captain America Iron Man Aunt May Villain...
Norman had apparently kidnapped May years ago and had an actress surgically look like aunt May and play her part while she was dying. This was why 'aunt May' knew about Peter being Spider-Man, she was hired by Norman Osborn to play her! Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four assured Peter...
(2016) as the protégé ofIron Manalter ego Tony Stark.Tom Holland’s scene-stealing turn as the webslinger breathed new life into a character who had been experiencingdiminishing returnsat the box office. InSpider-Man: Homecoming(2017) Holland led an impressive ensemble cast, which included...
―May Parker to Spider-ManSpider-Man: No Way Home is a 2021 superhero film, based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. The film is a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, as well as a crossover/sequel to the Spider-Man trilogy and The Amazing...