Jackson and Smulders join a cast which includes the returning Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon, Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, and Tony Revolori.Jake Gyllenhaal will also reportedly portray the villain, Mysterio, while Michael Keaton's Vulture may be returning as well. Spider-M...
―May Parker to Spider-ManSpider-Man: No Way Home is a 2021 superhero film, based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. The film is a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, as well as a crossover/sequel to the Spider-Man trilogy and The Amazing...
READ MORE: All the Coolest Easter Eggs You Missed in Spider-Man: No Way Home So here they are, from the least sensational to the most amazing (though not the most Amazing, because, well, those movies were not the best) — every Spider-Man movie ranked, starting with......
Spider-Man: No Way Home streaming? Find out where to watch online. 45+ services including Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video.
9.Spider-Man: Far From Home Marvel’s second Spidey film, featuring Tom Holland as the Amazing Wall-Crawler, is just a small step down from the first, with plenty of romance, action, comedy, and pathos. Nobody says “with great power comes great responsibility” butFar From Homeis as ...
4.Spider-Man: Far From Home(2019) Sony 6.Spider-Man: Far From Home(2019) My full review ofFar From Homeishere, but the tl;dr version: A very solid followup toHomecomingand a classic Lee/Ditko-style tale of power and responsibility. Tom Holland and Zendaya are a great onscreen pair...
Straight from the hot pan, we bring you a rumor about Tom Holland’s upcoming Spider-Man movie that might just be the greatest Spider-Man film ever made in the MCU.Tom Holland, Maguire, and, Garfield in Spider-Man: No Way Home | Credit: Marvel StudiosThe title for the upcoming MCU ...
Spider-Man 3: Regia di Sam Raimi. Con Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Thomas Haden Church. Una strana entità nera proveniente da un altro mondo si lega a Peter Parker e provoca disordini interni mentre si scontra con nuovi criminali, tentazi
If all goes as planned, Spider-Man: No Way Home will open in theaters in a little more than four months. And yet we still don’t have a trailer for the movie. We don’t have an official poster. We only found out the movie’s official title in February. And to date there are ...
8.Spider-Man: Far From Home Sony 9.Spider-Man: Far From Home Marvel’s second Spidey film, featuring Tom Holland as the Amazing Wall-Crawler, is just a small step down from the first, with plenty of romance, action, comedy, and pathos. Nobody says “with great power comes great respo...