Spider-Man: Created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko. With Paul Soles, Peg Dixon, Paul Kligman, Bernard Cowan. Original cartoon series based on the web-slinging Marvel comic book character, Peter Parker, who, after being bit by a radioactive spider, assumes extr
"Spider-Man" The Power of Dr. Octopus/Sub-Zero for Spidey (TV Episode 1967) Vernon Chapman as Dr. Octopus
Spider-Manpremiered on ABC-TV on Sept. 9, 1967 — so the show is celebrating its 50th anniversary. My initial inclination was to post a Top 13 episodes list but as I started putting one together, I realized it wasn’t something I was capable of doing. Part of the reason, as I’ll...
SPIDER-MAN (1967) The article reviews "Spider-Man (1967)," a box set of episodes from the television series "Spider-Man," released on DVD format, with the voices of Bernard ... J Bond - 《Cinefantastique》 被引量: 0发表: 2004年 List of This American Life (TV series) episodes The...
The 1967Spider-Mancartoon is one of my favorites of all-time. It’s kitschy and groovy and hit me right in the cerebral cortex as a kid in the ’70s. I loved it then and I love it now. But, that doesn’t mean its flaws aren’t obvious — even if that’s a significant part ...
Even though Harris’ performance was great as usual, MTV canceled his series after 13 episodes, ending it on a cliffhanger that ultimately set itapart from the world ofSpider-Man 2. Josh Keaton (2008-2009, 2023) Marvel Entertainment / Marvel Entertainment ...
Wealth and fame he's ignored, action is his reward! To him, life is a great big bang-up! Wherever there's a hang-up, you'll find the Spider-Man!!! Purchase theme on DVDs View all Spider-Man merchandise Watch Episodes Online
Spider-Man: The Dragon’s Challenge (1981) CBS / CBS Like its predecessor,The Dragon’s Challengecombines two episodes from Nicholas Hammond’s TV show. In this movie, Spider-Man tries to prove the innocence of a Chinese Minister (Benson Fong) accused of conspiring against Chairman Mao. Yes...
The series ran for 13 episodes before it was canceled, but the suit and character shows up several times throughout Across the Spider-Verse. 11. Spectacular Spider-Man Every Gen-Zer remembers the ‘00s The Spectacular Spider-Man and the depression they felt when the series was cancele...
“Fox hated Avi from almost day one”: Spider-Man: The Animated Series Head Writer on Why the Show Was Canceled after 65 Episodes Spider-Man: The Animated Series was one of the best animated shows around in the 1990s. In a sea of animated series such as Batman: The Animated Series, ...