In Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, he was voiced by Dan Gilvezan, who also voiced Bumblebee in the original 1980s Transformers series. In the 1994 Spider-Man series, he was voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes, who also voiced Speckles in Tarbosaurus 2: The New Paradise and Prince Eric...
After Peter's selfishness indirectly resulted in the death of his beloved Uncle Ben, Peter decided to live up to the motto that "With great power there must also come great responsibility," and thus became the super hero known as Spider-Man. Miles Morales was bitten by a spider injected ...
Amazing Spider-Man Spider-Woman Miles Morales: Spider-Man Marvel Action: Spider-Man Venom More... Crossovers Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man Superman and Spider-Man Spider-Man and Batman Batman and Spider-Man Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man ...
Miles (Narrating): I'm Spider-Man. No one can take that away from me. The Spot: Unbelievable. Come back here, nemesis! Miles: Don't escape! The Spot: Your costume's too tight in the back, by the way. [Miles swings into his dorm room, where Ganke is lounging in a white ta...
Spider-Man Wiki Sign In Explore Comic Book Series Sign In Advertisement in:Stub,Teams,Superhuman Teams, and4 more Good Teams Active Teams Earth-92131 Secret Identity X-Men (Earth-92131) Categories: Stub Teams Superhuman Teams Good Teams
The Amazing Spider-Man Source Edward Whelan, later known asVermin, was a geneticist forOscorp Industries. Biography[] The Vermin was created entirely by accident, and with the noblest intentions. Filling the role of professional confidant toCurt Connorssince the abrupt departure ofRichard Parker,Osco...
Earth-9591 is an alternate reality in which the myriad experiments and accidents which led to the creation of superheroes in the mainstream Marvel Universe instead resulted in horrible deformities and painful deaths The narrative of the reality follows P
Additional VoicesSpider-Manand His Amazing Friends (1981) (voice) ... Spider-Mani Fantastični Prijatelji (1981.) WikiMatrix "spider-manversus doctor octopus " in near-mint condition? "Spider-ManVersus Doctor Octopus " u blizini-mint stanju OpenSubtitles...
When Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends were killed I got sad. It really sucks that the Spider-man from the 90's cartoons died to... I was hoping that Peter would have a bigger role. Anna really needs to just stop being in the books now. She is basically telling Peter it's okay ...
KillCletus Kasadyalong with his son Carnage and Shriek to stop their murderous rampage(both succeeded). Remain in the MCU with Eddie so they can become the new "lethal protector" of this universe(failed). Hunt down Peter Parker/Spider-Man(piece of Venom; ongoing). ...