BE GREATER. TOGETHER. Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise for PS5. Swing, jump and utilize the new Web Wings to travel across Marvel’s New York, quickly switching between Peter Parker and...
Be Greater. Together. 在广受好评的《Spider-Man》续作PC版的全新激动人心的篇章中,共生体的惊人力量迫使彼得·帕克和迈尔斯·墨拉莱斯身陷绝望的战斗之中,与此同时,他们也要在自己的生活、友谊和保护需要帮助的人的责任之间取得平衡。
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 166329 ratings 90% 6% 2% 1% Platform: PS5 Release: 10/20/2023 Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Genres: Action Voice: English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico) Screen Languages: English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico...
Be Greater Together 蜘蛛人必須合作追捕蜥蜴人,並對抗想抓住他的獵人。不幸的是,克雷文裝備齊全:船舶、飛行器和武器全都盯著蜥蜴人。狩獵盛宴在東河沿岸持續進行,那裡是你可以在《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》中行動的另一個新區域,而行動相當緊湊:麥爾斯破壞他身後的車輛,同時彼得派克從遠處進行追逐。
He even lets Bruce Campbell tell Spider-Man off as if to symbolize that he hasn't forgotten where he came from.All in all Spider-Man 2 surpasses the first film in the franchise in almost every way imaginable Spider-Man 2 is twice as engaging, entertaining and heartfelt than the first ...
Explore Sideshow’s amazing Spider-Man collectibles, including figures, art prints, and more from Marvel comics, movies, and games. Discover Spidey's iconic villains!
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